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Everything posted by Klaudia

  1. oh god, i'm never going to see tommy again
  2. XDDDDDDDD i do have a history of destroying all relevant posts. Mr. Pibb is a replica of Dr Pepper, but it's a bullshit replica, 'cause the dude didn't even get his degree. Why'd you have to drop out and start makin' pop so soon? I sit at my hotel at night, I think of something that's funny, then I go get a pen and I write it down. Or if the pen's too far away, I have to convince myself that what I thought of ain't funny. I had a neighbor, and whenever he would knock on my wall I knew he wanted me to turn my music down, and that made me angry because I like loud music, so when he knocked on the wall I'd mess with his head. I'd say: "Go around! I cannot open the wall. I don't know if you have a doorknob on the other side, but over here there's nothing. It's just flat."
  3. well all this intellectuality is killin my tiny girl brain as well so i shall revert the topic back to mitch, because he likes food, and i like food, and he makes food jokes, and i can understand. I opened up a yogurt, and underneath the lid it said "please try again" because they were having a contest I was unaware of. But I thought I might have opened the yogurt wrong. Or maybe Yoplait was trying to inspire me. Come on Mitchel, don't give up, please try again! A message of inspiration from your friends at Yoplait. Fruit on Bottom, Hope on top.
  4. Klaudia


    haha, i was like, its not his birthday yet!!
  5. i will stay far, far away from this post
  6. hahaha, i watched this the other night and yea.... nervous is an understatement
  7. omg i LOVED samurai jack
  8. i hated it too i thought it was vulgar but my favorite isssssssssss SPONGEBOB!!!!!!!!!!!!! simple minded, yet clever... klakla finds it easy to pay attention for the plot is often ransackedly tossed about!!!
  9. too much future!!!!!!!!1 http://www.haus53.com/images/squiddy2lo.jpg
  10. "The boss was deathtouched, meaning a GM killed it for them so they could test more of the instance. " that sentence is so sexy o_o
  11. eh eh i like the mage one, its pretty neat. but all the shoulders are really huge. why???
  12. oh spooky, you are so wrathful
  13. I'm just wondering how you make a plate halo. Like, seeing that it doesn't cover any of my head, how do I still get 1000 armor? Not that it looks bad, always glad for something new, the idea just bewilders me. Shoulders look cool though, and yes I'm totally with you Arlan. You don't have to have flash to look good. In fact some of my favorite looking weapons in the game are green / grey, they are just clean looking blades or what not. -shrug- /simple - Kaslor (+1 you're welcome Kla)
  14. warlocks are sooooo goth
  15. Klaudia


    ohhhhhh cats!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Klaudia

    Easter Weekend

    ohhhh yes awesome weekend........ EFFIEL TOWER!!!!!!
  17. Klaudia


    that is BEYOND disgusting /shudder
  18. Klaudia

    desktop TD

    i've got a TD, i dunno if i need him on my desktop cause i got him everywhere else i go!!!!
  19. ooooh yes i'll be there. but please note vanin is not invited. plaque??????? /worried "i still got tartar, but that shit's under control." XD
  20. Klaudia

    FP's 70's

    how embarrassing =/ i still need some things socketed... and a weapon enchant.... i'm such a slacker
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