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Everything posted by Klaudia

  1. Let's not forget Alexy is a debate champion =p I agree with your view Alex, although my post was more directed at the construction of the story versus the story itself, just to clarify.
  2. Glad you liked it I think it has the potential to be a rather moving piece, but in the sake of keeping the reader hooked I would hope it contains some positive material as well =p. No offense to your story, but the general life struggle is a rather trite one, and I think the positivity of the main character could help to keep it original.
  3. Quite engagingly emotional, but in order to get a feel of the mood I'd like to know more about the main character. Is this a biography? If not, who is the main character? Where has he/she been and where is he/she going? I get a feeling the main character wears a mask so to speak, to hide their true emotions. The main character acts a lot tougher than he/she really is. I'm so tempted to post some of my stuff here =p but I'd just get made fun of =[
  4. newsflash eske.... emo stands for emotional
  5. todd laughing would make both of those ten thousand times better. [but they were good XD]
  6. haha no actually my only char was dijin, blame shiki for the oddly named ones XD haha actually tom it was prolly jiffy o_0
  7. eeeee ok i played in closed beta and open beta so i have some shots from those, also in my very early times =p char screen in closed beta - me, branham, shiki, and our friend jiffy shared an account [yeah i was a night elf hunter] http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y113/x_marksthespot/WoWScrnShot_111604_145105.jpg then in open beta klakla was born... as a warlock!!!! eeeeeeeeek http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y113/x_marksthespot/WoWScrnShot_111604_145202.jpg end of beta party in SW! http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y113/x_marksthespot/WoWScrnShot_111804_225412.jpg my first deadmines run =p http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y113/x_marksthespot/deadmines3.jpg kaslor at level 30ish!! with a bugged orc haha and idk who that dwarf is http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y113/x_marksthespot/souvenir.jpg raidin with the crew at lvl 40.. http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y113/x_marksthespot/raid2.jpg
  8. makes me want to namedrop ernest hemingway [a clean, well-lighted place]
  9. no. stop hibernating with your seals and come back to wow
  10. haha where are your droogs!
  11. hahaha emergency monitor, that is quite the emergency!!!!!
  12. hehehehehe, and invisibility back =p
  13. Klaudia

    This just in:

    haha thats delicate humor
  14. ill try scratchin my itch and redecorating my bathroom
  15. Haha umm, no, I have a router! I'm just not sure if its wireless. Are all routers wireless? I don't know! I can check when I get home. I'm assuming thats not the issue since it is indeed connecting to the network, just.. not giving it access, ya know?
  16. Um... do I have a wireless router? Heh =/ I don't have a wireless adapter upstairs, which is what I think I may need.
  17. Haha okay well heres the situation. The main computer downstairs is hooked up to a 2wire Homeportal router thinger, and my desktop upstairs has an internal adapter and is connected through phone lines. Haha everyone at work is tryin to help me too XD
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