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Everything posted by Klaudia

  1. euuu, i hope those aren't real. 6 sec cooldown on ice lance?????
  2. Klaudia

    Mor kitteez

  3. Klaudia

    Personality Junk

    ***You Are An ENFJ*** The Giver You strive to maintain harmony in relationships, and usually succeed. Articulate and enthusiastic, you are good at making personal connections. Sometimes you idealize relationships too much - and end up being let down. You find the most energy and comfort in social situations ... where you shine. In love, you are very protective and supporting. However, you do need to "feel special" - and it's quite easy for you to get jealous. At work, you are a natural leader. You can help people discover their greatest potential. You would make a good writer, human resources director, or psychologist. How you see yourself: Trusting, idealistic, and expressive When other people don't get you, they see you as: Bossy, inappropriate, and loud i dunno how much i agree with this. except for the loud part!
  4. .....for like a good 5 minutes i'm like "awww, hes making the XD face!!!!!!" then i'm like... hmm.. strange appendage... what.. OH MY GOD TOM!!!!!!!!!! noooooooo!!!!!!!! sigh.
  5. ya know, this was strange for me to ponder over considering i get nauseous at the thought of just about everything [especially fish], but for some reason none of those things really bothered me... in fact the mushroom looked rather beautiful! okay, maybe beautiful isn't the right word, but... attractive. <3 shroomies.
  6. haha yeah this is pretty old i think but nevertheless enjoyable. dr. laura is an idiot for the most part, if i remember correctly. its funny how the leviticus passage lists a bunch of things you can't do yet no one wants to talk about any of em except for the apparent homosexuality as an abomination.
  7. hahahah, this is thoroughly entertaining!
  8. that was really awesome! i love the future.
  9. lameish. i want pretty link!!!! also, enjoy my new sig
  10. i second this wholeheartedly
  11. Klaudia

    FP Caucus

    From what I understand, which is very little, the general Christian view on homosexuality is that it is considered "unclean". The passage allegedly regarding it uses the term "abomination" which in the context can be taken as unclean - an act that furthers one from God. The general opinion is not that God or a good Christian hates gays, but more so that a good Christian would not engage in that act if they want to be close to God. That being said, the passages regarding homosexuality are open to serious misinterpretation by people who perhaps already had the mindset that homosexuality is bad. Obviously throughout history the bible has been reinterpreted and translated a thousand times over, sometimes altering the text to please certain persons or to reflect the translator's own opinion. It is very easy to imagine the true meaning having been altered along the way. There also is some inconsistency in the usage of Greek terminology, especially as shown in I Corinthians 6:9: "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God." Now.. the Greek word that Paul used here for effeminate is "malakos" which translates to "soft". It is not a word that Greek writers or speakers would associate with "homosexual". There are, however, MANY Greek terms which refer to homosexual behavior as it was very common and tolerated in those days, such as "paederastes" which was the standard Greek term for male homosexual behavior. The word he uses for "abusers of themselves with mankind" is "arsenokoitai" which seems to have been a word that Paul made up as it is not found in any other Greek text. It is made up of two words, "man" and "bed". To sum up the possible accurate translations of this word, Paul may have meant male prostitutes, pimps, masturbators, or anyone who exploits sex in a similar fashion. So, if Paul had meant homosexuality with both of these terms [which is how they are both translated by later english versions of the bible], why wouldn't he have made it clear by using the precise term for it? Haha I suppose thats a little off-topic..... so back to politics! The majority of Christians are not comfortable with homosexuality because the widely used translations of the bible regard it as being a sin. Therefore any Christian politicians are not going to want to promote homosexual activity by supporting gay marriage. As Sanctity said, there are obviously a lot of other people who do not share that religious opinion. So if it is a religious issue, why should it be outlawed by the government? Should we start yelling "separation of church and state"? In my very humble personal opinion, I think a good number of politicians and voting Americans [specifically older white males] are not comfortable with the idea of homosexuality for two reasons: 1. it is a newer issue that is gaining much awareness especially among young people and is an alternative method to a long-standing tradition and belief 2. old white men are not comfortable with their own sexuality! Come on, whats with all the Republican gay scandals lately?? Is there not a trend there?? If a Republican realizes "maybe I am gay after all" he is going to hide it because otherwise it becomes a major scandal! Especially if he has voted AGAINST gay marriage in the past [hello Mr. Craig]. I think that about covers all I have to say~! Whew
  12. Klaudia

    FP Caucus

    Yay! Thank you HV for a response that I was looking for. For the record I'm not 100 percent supportive of her but I think shes alright; I just wanted to know why people hated her so much. Also for the record I got a decent response out of BW after a good bout of assault. I do reference On the Issues rather often and I think its a very good resource. I think its important to figure out your own stances on issues and from there which candidate you match up with. Personally, environmental protection, energy, and civil rights are most important to me, followed by education, gun control, and drugs. I agree with you that it is probably safe to assume there are voters who vote solely for the sake of NOT voting for someone, as in, voting for Romney just so you are not supporting Huckabee [which isn't a bad idea]. There are people whose parents, neighbors, and friends are Republicans so they are too and all those people hate Democrats, so like you said, they vote Republican just so they aren't voting Democrat. In any case........ I'm voting Green Party!!!! =D
  13. Klaudia

    FP Caucus

    I'd like to see the poll results you mentioned before, BW. And as for the opinion of hating her... thats fine and all, but what makes you hate her?? That is the question I am asking. What has she said that causes you to form that opinion? Or are you just taking it from what other people have said? I can understand all the scandals, but if we're just talking about political positions, what don't you like? edit: i messed up my italics formatting. haha oops
  14. Klaudia

    FP Caucus

    I think you make a great point there. Of course, theres a lot more involved in politics than kissing babies and promising soda machines in the cafeteria. I think especially running as a woman she has to defend herself and show others that she means business, and plans to do so if she wins the presidency. Therefore that assertive attitude can translate to some people as "bitchiness". It just seems like whenever I hear something about her from young adults, its negative; not so much negativity from adults.
  15. Klaudia

    FP Caucus

    is there any chance you could possibly give me some quotes/statements/information that would support that?
  16. Klaudia

    FP Caucus

    i'm assuming we're free to discuss now, so in that case, why exactly do people hate hillary so much?? i really don't get it, so i would appreciate some explanations.
  17. Klaudia

    Mor kitteez

    lol @ bad respawn
  18. Klaudia

    FP Caucus

    1. biden 2. clinton 3. cats
  19. Klaudia

    Random Fun

    less cars more randomness!!!!!!! http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y113/x_marksthespot/faintinggoats.gif
  20. i'm not gonna bother taking this cause i'm fairly certain i count as one of the 5 year olds. i also need to start preparing for zombie invasion!!!!
  21. awe, if only they made barbie doll -type ones. then klakla and i could go on sweet shopping adventures!!!!
  22. my first tape was billy joel! hell yeah! i also love ABBA. /dancing queen
  23. what is friday?????????? and here ya go tom: http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y113/x_marksthespot/defias.jpg haha i guess only a select few will get it. but its good!
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