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Everything posted by Coeus

  1. yea....this storm sucks. Damn you Soma!
  2. Coeus

    Epic Mount?

    O_O My God.... All new low. Prostituting for FAKE money.... I now want someone to offer a hooker Monopoly money
  3. Coeus

    Happy Easter!

    Happy Easter FP
  4. Coeus

    Play Ball!

    Yankees pwnz you all! /from NY Oh and Gryph....for liking the Sox.... Coeus rep -100.
  5. That's entirely too disturbing.... O_O
  6. WTB [education reform] v_v However stupid they were (and my God, it was just sad)... I would like for someone to ask the same questions in other countries and see if others were as bad O_O.
  7. Coeus

    Code Monkey

    It makes me proud to be a programmer
  8. Coeus

    300 review

    Best review ever. Take that Ebert and Roeper.
  9. Haha, welcome to the forums
  10. Coeus


    He could fly!
  11. Coeus

    Do you gank?!?

    I gank, but it's really situational. If quest mobs are being farmed and everyone is fighting for pulls, I will kill horde and take the mob. But basically....if I see horde in the middle of nowhere, I kill em. PVP server after all
  12. Coeus

    BC BC BC!!!

    I plan on mixing it up a bit with leveling and questing, but if you're on, I'll be glad to go to those instances Hopefully the crowds won't be too bad.
  13. I think the sets are all fake. Why you ask? Because the paladin set looks pretty cool, and that's not possible post-tier 2. Really though, they all look quite cool.
  14. That looks cool. So that is the level 70 equivalent of UBRS/Scholo, etc gear?
  15. Say you get the game next Tuesday and the servers are stable you will be 70 by the next week if you hard-core play. I may be mistaken, but I heard that exp in beta was buffed so people could level there and therefore test more stuff. I certainly hope it takes quite a bit longer than that.
  16. Coeus

    BC Week

    Spring semester starts the 18th
  17. Coeus

    Xbox 360!

    yay! gears of war ftw. I play, though not that frequently. Anways, my gamertag: Patriot X
  18. Coeus

    Oh WOW

    People in your area know how to take the initiative....well done. lol
  19. Yes, they do. Really, who thinks one day, "hmm...let's make an animated chicken clucking, Christmas-themed song." ?
  20. Coeus


    I LOLed in RL for quite some time.
  21. Hardened snowballs are the best. Nothing like launching alliance off of the bridge in AV.
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