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Everything posted by Coeus

  1. I was talking to a few friends the other day about way back when WoW came out. Looking back, I can't believe some of the things I used to think/do. I thought it would be funny (and to relieve worktime boredom) to start something like this. Example: I didn't know you could eat and drink at the same time until level 30. I started leveling as a prot pally (until level 42 actually), so I thought...that the best gear was the gear with the most armor. With so much armor, nobody can damage me right? I chose armor over stats v_v I rolled a paladin. (that's right, I said it). Post yours!
  2. Coeus

    Gamer Psych Test

    KASE KASE players tends to enjoy the PVP aspect most of all, but also likes to pit themself against all the challenges of the PVE environment as well--although the latter is often a means to an end. This type of player will often enjoy PVP that focuses on their skill as an individual contributor (duels, and so forth) more than team-based PVP. Breakdown: Achiever 60.00%, Explorer 26.67%, Killer 73.33%, Socializer 40.00%
  3. Coeus

    25 Things

    I lol'ed. It's happened
  4. I would flip out if somebody did that to me
  5. Coeus

    Pre-big bang

    Haha ownage on both counts
  6. Coeus

    Pre-big bang

    Wow, I can't believe I read the entire article and all of the responses v_v. It was an interesting read, and I guess people are are getting the math closer support some theories. But it doesn't really *answer* a whole lot, it just pushes the timeline back more, if the universe was created as part of some cycle of universes, how did the cycle start? How does something come of nothing? *brain freeze* The only thing I disliked was the anti-religion responses the article brought out in some of the comments following the article. The 'creationists' who try to use faith mixed with psuedo-science to try and disprove scientifc fact are a very small minority, and shouldn't be lumped in with the vast majority who can allow for science and religion to coexist.
  7. Coeus


    Finally, someone reacting! I was watching MSNBC the other day, and the anchor was interviewing someone and there was an involved socio-political discussion on current politics, the situation in iraq, etc. The interview was interrupted mid way through (very rude to the interviewee) because of the "breaking news" regarding paris hilton. The media in this nation really needs some help. Either that, or the people who think what happens to hilton is more important than real news (and then force the networks to act accoridngly for ratings) need to change. /rant off.
  8. Normally I hate all things DDR...but I'm impressed.
  9. Welcome Eevee Edit: Awesome movie list btw.
  10. Coeus

    Cat thread

    Key, you're not fooling anyone.
  11. They actually are making a Warcraft movie. It's going to be live action (real actors, not CGI stuff)... It might be good?
  12. That is partially a concern of mine, however, everyone knows I am an alt-a-holic so I will be playing through to PVP with like 10 different characters That being said though, I think they already know this. I can't imagine them just letting the game stay the same for years. They could always add in zones (new armies per side), new scenarios (instanced battleground things) are very likely, and expand current zones to have new battlefields. If WoW had something like you said, take an actual city, I would stick with it forever. That's actually what I assumed it would be like when I signed up on day 1. I had visions of grandeur of raiding orgrimmar, undercity, etc on a regular basis. With Warhammer....that's what it's all about. Sure it resets after a bit, but you do get to actually take an enemy city and hold it for some time. For world PVP fans of WoW... well it's everything that's missing here.
  13. Hey Volk! I will *definately* be playing Warhammer. I've been following the development for quite some time now, and I am psyched. It looks to be a really great PVP game. Just curious, what do you intend on playing race/career wise? My list of possiblities: Dwarven Hammerer Empire Warrior Priest (see if they can actually make a pally work!) Empire Witchhunter Chaos Magus Black Orc
  14. Agreed. But for the most part he is quite funny.
  15. Coeus

    Game Shows!

    I don't know if anyone has seen these, or if you regularly check these things, but I found these to be hilarious. http://emuse.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/21180/ Enjoy!
  16. Damn you. ... It won't stop!
  17. Is there anything else even worth metioning besides family guy?
  18. Coeus

    The hardest level

    rofl, awesomeness.
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