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Everything posted by Coeus

  1. I almost wish my paladin were Draenei.... so badass.
  2. Coeus

    New 300 Trailer.

    King Arthur wasn't *that* bad. Alexander was just plain aweful.
  3. Wow. Just...wow. I would have lost my cool very very quickly in that situation. I have a very low threshold for stupid. Really, I give that guy credit, he kept it together for over 20 minutes. After minute 4 I would have been yelling. It's simply mind boggling how ignortant some people can be.
  4. I am stuck at "retrieving character list"
  5. Coeus


    Agreed. The controller looks amazing, the system looks cool, but I prefer the Xbox 360.
  6. I hate the paladin set. Truly lame.
  7. useless bums bah! I guess I didn't get it because I didn't realize we were useless ...but now we know where you stand hykos
  8. Well I don't really get the pally one.... but yea, that works
  9. http://structbio.vanderbilt.edu/chazin/fun/magnet.gif (magnet) take that mr. metal!
  10. Coeus

    Oh My Lord...

    That's not really the point here Siege! sheesh... (oh, and +1)
  11. Coeus

    Oh My Lord...

    Now it's 535! Muahahah. Take that Key, take that!
  12. Well there are a few things in play here. #1) They *claim* to have been suspended for that reason. There could be very valid reasons (like they were bptting/using 3rd part programs) that they were banned, and the fact that they were using linux was just a coincidence. Also, blizzard is contacting the company now to make sure there is no conflict, because they don't intend to ban people unnecessarily.
  13. Coeus

    Go Vote!

    Vote based on issues, not along part lines.
  14. Heh, that is funny. If you look at the original clip, however, you can see how it has been taken out of context.
  15. Bacon is delicious, and the staple of any health diet.
  16. Just in time for the Spring semester to start.... lame...
  17. Why must blizzard make paladins look like fools? We get a unicorn horn and brown shoulders with a glowing purple dots.... maybe our enemies will laugh themself to death.
  18. This is really disheartening. I've always been a fan of battlefield for the most part. However, dogfights were much more fun in BF1942 and have gone down in enjoyment since then. This is just 1 more reason to leave that series of games.
  19. Coeus


    I'm also stuck at authenticating... I suppose I could do my homework, but I really don't want to
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