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Everything posted by Esteban

  1. And for an extra 1000 dollars you can make it shoot lazers! 600 bucks is what I got
  2. Well, the one I am using right now is a HP and so far it held up to expectations, it is just a little too old and my family needs an extra pc. as for building, I am fairly capable of building a pc and so is my dad.
  3. Ok I want a new compy. I am not a wise when it comes to computer specs though. I got around 600 for the CPU without need for a hard drive. I want a gaming computer, with a good video card and an ok sound card. any suggestions?
  4. Esteban

    BC Week

    I got classes in the morning but I have the rest of the weekend freee!
  5. Esteban


    haha 28th get your numbers straight ghust!
  6. *baby, let me suck on your toes* *sure sweething, just let me put the safety on first* *just as a side note, Im convinced QT has a foot fetish. There's like 2 hours of barefoot Uma footage between Pulp Fiction and the Kill Bills. You would know.
  7. Esteban


    06! for all 'em people who are going away for the holidays and new years! for the rest of you, GET BACK TO GRINDING HONOR YOU LAZY BLANCOS! have a good one!
  8. So where do I incert the 5 dollar bill in this machine?
  9. ohhh those canadians..... When dealing with customer support reps you gotta have your case already set up and guide them through what they have to do; at least every time I have dealt with them, and you gotta make sure what you are saying can be understood by a grade 1.
  10. ^ ARG! infinite regresss *head explodes*
  11. Esteban

    New 300 Trailer.

    the 300 novel is pretty awsome and inacurate, but who cares. The actual battle a pretty cool thing to read about too.
  12. WHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHH that was funny.
  13. so the body goes in the trunk right?
  14. /salute see ya around boss
  15. I jumped from Darnassus ( yes tedrassil) once and landed there. it is a cool place
  16. Esteban


    message me then cuz I cant find you on my list hahaha
  17. just for 2 weeks or so man.
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