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Everything posted by Esteban

  1. ARG!!! this thing is driving me nuts!!! I cannot access Online reading materials because firefox asks me to install some "unknown plug ins". This only happens in my Vista computer and not on my XP computer. This also happens with some video websites. And to add to the whole thing, Java scripted sites (lets say Runescape) do not load on mozilla. I haven't tried them on Eggsplorer, but god do I hate that navigator. Any of you computer wizards know how to solve this problem?
  2. anyone who specs otherwise is noob, or me.
  3. Invader Zim! I miss Samurai Jack
  4. HA even if fake, that is some great thread.
  5. Esteban


    Run for the hill!!! /walk
  6. Esteban


    your hi licence was revoked, please go to your closes hi licensing office.
  7. Esteban


    yeah... its not like we schedule people to pvp or have to worry about posting screenshots with the latest horde noob group we just wtfpwned.
  8. Esteban

    Primal Fire

    what they said. When it comes to the spec, you can either go frost (but you can't farm water elementals that well anymore) or you can put at least 33 pts into arcane. This should allow you to farm with arcane explosion and arcane blast. From the 33 pts into arcane you can spec any way you want. Look me up in the armory. My spec is great for elemental farming even though it is a pvp build.
  9. Esteban


    hi stang!! i dunno what the immortal's website is. I don't think there is one. I am helpin out miro with his karazhan group.... and I don't trust PMs they are like... monads vanin.
  10. Esteban


    so now that I can't see the member forums no moe, I need miroku to tell me when is the next Kara run. yeeeoopp
  11. woW wrath looks awsome!
  12. Mages will look like Anime lazer canons.
  13. Esteban

    Just for drunk

    Pretty Please? the chicks here just don't put out.
  14. waht!? does that make me a flap headed drug dealer? how the hell does that work?! be glad you got stuck with stupidity. What did the Mongols got stuck with?
  15. Yeah, because it is soo hard for any american to aim justified steriotypes at people from outside their nation. God, people learn to laugh aboot yourselves every once in a while. And please keep your missiles in your pockets. Key you agree, eh?
  16. dude! what happened monday! anyways. Lets try it again this monday. Gimme a time when you guys are comfortable going on. we'll see how we can fit it.
  17. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v316/medicatedapathy/redsauceonpasta.gif
  18. whatever channel the first couple of people decide to get into. I'll try to be on 10 minutes earlier and I'll put (This channel for starcraft) in my comment or something like that. Oh! one more thing. Think of wether you want to play Original or X. we will settle which one once we are about to start.
  19. Mondays and tuesdays sound guud. I'll mount it by then and hop on ventrillo at that time, 8 sounds good? 9 is a bit late to start a Starcraft game. However, if enough people are up for it; I'm game.
  20. I got all pumped up with the mentioning of Starcraft on my other thread. I'd really like to get a group together to play a couple of rounds soon. Any suggestions for a day and time so that my squiashin of your zergs does not interfere with your face owning of monsters? I have SC original in mind, but BW is acceptable. Thoughts?
  21. Esteban

    Son of a . . .

    I just spent an entire week writing papers... It is 5 am right now and I am finishing the last page on my master piece! It is an essay about the role, and the development of the idea of the Devil during the middle ages (YEAH! MEDIEVAL HISTORY HUUUUUGH) why didn't anyone tell me I would have to give up the sleeping thing!!! /dies >_<
  22. I often use a combination of Perl, e-cast, bongos and, damage meters. I havent found anything cool to replace carnabal enemy cast though.
  23. Yaayyy Druids will no longer 2 shot Arnhem, Key and me when we are in arenas. Yay blizzard! Oh and priests wont spam prayer of mending so I can actually damage them with scorch XD. sucks that it also takes away so much from instances tho....
  24. So who's got their teams set up and ready to roll fo tomorrow? Anyones? Coeus and I were rollin the arenas last night.
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