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Everything posted by Beornwarrior

  1. [item]Warblade of the Hakkari[/item] Tavarik [item]Peacekeeper Gauntlets[/item] Ravenheart [item]Heart of Hakkar[/item] Kobah
  2. Some interesting stuff there. 5 man high level instances (10 man UBRS) should be quite difficult for pugs and i might have to see if i can get my valor back that i vendored a while ago We also might want to see about doing those "lowbie" instances to grab some more of the armor sets while we can still 10 man. Nice changes on things I didnt really think about there although i was really hoping on improved tier2 pvp armor graphics/stats.
  3. Lorem Ipsum is a text filler thats been around for 500 years. Its become of more use with the introduction of web site design as it provides clients a way to see the final design of their site without having to fill in all the actual pages. I've used it quite a bit A little more info if your interested
  4. Im all for our mages doing crazy damage but this has been incredibly stupid in pvp. AP and a trinket will still pwn me but hopefully no more one hit kills. --Trinket Nerf--
  5. The druid we love to hate. Although annoying for me as he always runs away hes very smart in pvp. Thread on realm forums
  6. nerf miz
  7. NA and Trans were FTW
  8. Beornwarrior


  9. Just to add to your thread since its now a page back.... http://www.forgottenprophets.com/phpBB2/vi...opic.php?t=2366 http://www.forgottenprophets.com/phpBB2/vi...opic.php?t=2461
  10. zomg i was such a nub...Whisp FTW FP has been doing awesome in AB. Since we seem to not have a problem getting enough people for a guild AB ill try to organize an AB on non raid nights and after early raids. Strategy and movement are very important but it really comes down to every individual and you guys do awesome.
  11. That was tons of fun. We've done so so as a guild in AB until tonight. Everything just seemed to click and we killed everything that was thrown at us. Below is one of my better games of the night http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/6986/abownage0xi.jpg
  12. Character Results NAME RACE CLASS LEVEL SERVER Beornwarrior Human Warrior 60 Skullcrusher
  13. I forgot to do last weeks loot thread so i apologize and stuff. Seriously awesome run FP all of MC down in one night. For whoever asked what the FP loot week is...it goes from the first day we do a new mc until we start the next mc. Nice combination of drops if i do say so myself...and i do . I also tend to make mistakes so feel free if you see something that did drop and isnt listed etc. Arcanist Gloves - Metatron Blastershot Launcher - Beornwarrior Brutality Blade - Usagimidori *Bought* Cenarion Boots - Hykos Circlet of Prophecy - Ladyakira Essence of Pure Flame - Hinanin Felheart Slippers - *Dust* Finkle's Lava Dredger - Coeus *Bought* Gauntlets of Might - Gryph Gianstalker Belt - Titanx Gianstalker Belt - Usagimidori Gianstalker Breastplate - Reinhard (First Tier 1...8 piece!!) Judgement Legplates - Willas Lawbringer Belt - Siegeman Lawbringer Belt - Kaslor Lawbringer Helm - Coeus Legplates of Might - Katrinarose Magna Igniting Cord - Thornblade *Bought* Mantle of Prophecy - Ayumi Netherwind Pants - Sicbo Nightslayer Bracelets - Miroku Nightslayer Bracelets - Ghalleon Nightslayer Gloves - Skee Onslaught Girdle - Twigs Pauldrons of Might - Ratava Robes of Prophecy - Aelora Sabatons of Might - Scrapes Seal of the Archmagus - Gynis Strikers Mark - Scrapes *Bought* Sulfuron Ignot - *Bank* The Eye of Divinity - Bentley Vambraces of Prophecy - Stangmeister Wristguards of True Flight - Vanin
  14. Awesome job guys! What dropped and when are we going again?
  15. Id spec 31/20/0 (<-click that) if i went for a straight pvp build. Maybe put the 1 in anger management into parry as well im not sure. Ive never liked the Two-hand spec that much nor would i put any in protection. Otherwise your build isnt to bad.
  16. Didnt even know we did ZG yesterday. Wish i would have known i like ZG a lot.
  17. lol awesome! Captain Mizery FTW!
  18. Beornwarrior


  19. Winterfall Firewater + Woodland Creatures + Ony quest = strange looks from lowbies Looking at these pictures i think everyone who can turn into an animal should get some winterfall firewater and have an epic FFA battle in the arena!! http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/2430/animals12un.jpg http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/2677/animals29nf.jpg http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/2024/klaudius9kt.jpg
  20. Well Skullcrusher crashed the AQ event provided by Gunsmoke heres some pictures of about how many were there AQ Party 1 AQ Party 2 Heres me slacking on the Razorgore fight...I decided to post this one at my monitors native resolution. Beorn Slacking
  21. There's nothing atm although blizzard has been promising payed transfers for quite some time now. Supposably its coming relatively soon.
  22. Awesome run guys lots of drood love. Feel free to correct me if i missed any loot. Storm got geared this run =) Ancient Petrified Leaf - Reinhard Azuresong Mageblade - Krotas Belt of Might - Stormhelm Belt of Might - Scrapes Cauterizing Band - Kaslor Cenarion Boots - Dagorian Cenarion Leggings- Hykos Cenarion Gloves - Arafelz Cenarion Vestments - Klaudius Finkles Lava Dredger - Hvilelos Fire Runed Grimoire - Kobah Gianstalker Bracers - Marbo Gianstalker Epaulets - Cc Gutgore Ripper - Skee Helm of Might - Stormhelm Lawbringer Belt - Valdez Manastorm Leggings - Krotas Nightslayer Gloves - Ghalleon Nightslayer Pants - Stub Nightslayer Shoulder Pads - Skee Obsidian Edged Blade - Beornwarrior Obsidian Edged Blade - Reinhard Robes of Prophecy - Bramas Sabatons of Might - Stormhelm Seal of the Archmagus - Hinanin Wristguards of Stability - Hykos
  23. /bump for Domo/Rag run
  24. I'm sure we will see it drop again. At this rate sooner rather than later. /bump for onyxia loot
  25. Mekock and Kait were the only locks we had when we downed Golemagg and both of them had it
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