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Everything posted by Stricnyne

  1. http://server1.plunder.com/1019/rlsoundboard.swf
  2. Everyone should know that i used Nurfed compliations... I am a spokesperson for them $.55 to me for every nurfedui download!!! http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/9994/wow20060427083344846tr.jpg http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/8664/wow20060427083654763im.jpg
  3. Mmmmm, Nef gold is TASTY !!!! I can't thank my team enuff... BBM Mages.... BBM As for the rest of the guild, a huge thanks to the Trinity (Stang, Gyph, Gynis) for making FP possible and a fluid running machine. And again, to everyone from A-Z, none of this would be possible with out you guys/gals so keep rocking and keep doin' whatcha doin'... And one more extra special thanks, for those of you (you know who you are), who came up w/ about 3,000g in herbs and mats for pots/flasks in about 36 hours. I announced after Friday's attempts that I needed as many mats as possible. We got overflowed w/ so many that we will be able to take a few weeks off of flower picking and enjoy the spoils of our work. FPFTMFW!!! <3 each and every one of you !!!! BBM!!!! -Chris
  4. lawkl... seriously, is it Jesus or Esteban, or Eskimo, or Sit-hed??
  5. GRATZ HINANANANAH!.. Imma spare you embarassment of me not posting the video of the duel afterwards
  6. nub... everytime you talk to a girl, the end result should be sex... then again... maybe life isn't the same for you eskimos.
  7. in responce to lyrin... yes and yes... plastic bed covers FTW and I have about 30 lighters at my computer...
  8. indeed... /high-five my 3rd favorite thing to do to really, ummmmm... communicate to cats, on just how much i like them.... it's few steps.. but fun... 1) Grab some low grit sand paper.... 2) sand the cats "back side" down.. yes.. right under the tail there, till is mushy and a bit red... 3) grab som 89 octane, and a match/lighter 4) pour some gass on the flesh and light... I promise you will never see a cat move faster and be more confused... that is another "cat expression" i can understand...
  9. I understand cat's facial expression... espically right before I swing the baseball bat at them or, my personal fav, is when I'm loading up a whole sack of them to thrown in the river... that cute little look they give me right before I tie it shut and launch it out into the mighy Ohio River.
  10. hahah... we never kill either of those bosses on a "normal" run.
  11. Frost... i use FRAPS 2.7.2 and Sony Vegas Movie Editor 6. That seems to be the standard combo, across the board for people who are serious about make a good quality video. Win-doh's Movie Maker can compress, and has limited options, compared to Vegas which is pretty much the only user end software that is worth a damn. It's relitive cheap price tag ($100) puts it at a lvl where you know their is a ton better, but none of us are making "Final Fantasy" type movies so their is no need for more. Let me know here or PM me if you have any questions. later -9
  12. /wave /salute
  13. haha... yes... Siege's sig > all
  14. that guy is 100% funnier w/ animation... GG
  15. if this is true for mages... i'm rolling a lock or a shadow priest... i'm serious... if they nurf AP/Trinkets again for us I'm quiting...
  16. http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/4478/youwish7co.jpg
  17. zomg bump... added the 3 drakes (which are kinda boring fights) and chromaggus...
  18. I like 2 and 3... and if they are statix sign me up for some as well !!!
  19. i'll 1 shot him like i do the rest of the horde...
  20. again... skee... you never cease to amaze me... the only people i could think of having his Wal-Mart uniform on completly backwards is you.... you, you, you and you... /chuckle
  21. Krumr Goatcrusher Your Viking Personality: You're a fearsome Viking, but you aren't completely uncivilized. The other Vikings make fun of you for that. Unlike most Vikings, you don't have a quick temper; you tend to think about your actions before you undertake them. Sometimes you think too long. You probably know which end of a sword to hold, but you're not a fearsome fighter by any stretch of the imagination. A long sea voyage aboard a Viking longboat would be difficult for you, but you might be able to manage it. You possess some skills which other Vikings respect, though in your case their respect is tinged with fear. You have a fairly pragmatic attitude towards life, and tend not to expend effort in areas where it would be wasted. Other people tend to think of you as manipulative and conniving. That is right Ladies... you read correctly... [glow=purple:10a4f90615]GOATCRUSHER!!!!![/glow:10a4f90615] _________________
  22. Stricnyne

    / Famous

    ummmmm... why does nomad have pics of my whip on the boards !?!?
  23. it may be a bit late for "post MC" but you can always use me mang
  24. HAHAHA... Ben: "Smite, Shadow Word: Pain, throw anything you have at him" Aelora: "Kitchen Sink!!! HAHAHAA!!!" Thought you guys might like that
  25. GG Stanger!!!
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