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Everything posted by Stricnyne

  1. Happy Early B-Day Jay and John!!!!
  2. *bump*.. I added the Sartura fight... would have been up Tuesday but Filefront is teh suck at times. Njoi
  3. this is gonna pwn
  4. hopefully that tooth decayed, got infected and gave the cat some sort of pain/anguish. but seriously.... I was hoping when I saw it that it was going to get hung... I seriously lifted up from my seat a few inches... then flopped back down when I saw that no harm was done....
  5. QFT Ghost... I'll have my new company car by the next time and we'll be set... Let us know next time... me and ghost will be thar!
  6. lame... it didn't die or seem to break any legs
  7. Stricnyne


    arafelz got me in
  8. and those changes were??
  9. ............. never mind.. this guy is on crack or some other kind of drug that makes you talk complete nonsence, and do say retarded things..... I was all excited too... its not like TOOL wouldn't do something like that for the excentric fans
  10. Tonto, is on it... i'll post the audio in a few
  11. ZOMG LOVE U!!!! Is the best line ever for any card!!
  12. Hpy Bday Felz0r!
  13. psshhh.. if thats what you want our videos to look like I guess I could down grade my style... lol.. that was amazing... i wish I could understand the lyrics of the song.. but I only noticed their was music on like the 3rd or 4th time of watching it
  14. WTB SIG PST!
  15. OMG I NEED A SIG !!! I've been using the 10,000 days cover art for a bit to long... /flirt w/ Gynis.. heya friend
  16. damn it... if i wasn't going to chicago this weekend I would drive down there... it's about the same drive and plus i want to drop J-bombs w/ Joe, and eat some chikn
  17. lets duel? BBMGG omglinkmorelinkingwerdztogether
  18. OMFG... it's so 1337 Nefarian Take #2
  19. /bump... i did new video of the nef fight, w/ some music I think most of you will like (espically if you liked the 1st song on Fura's Nef video).. i'm going to put it in a new thread as well.. just thought I would bump this one too
  20. arty touches little boys, what?
  21. I am so self centered, that I am my own hero.... /gang-signs
  22. I hear ya... i have mine set so like, nova is Z and like my casted/channeled AOE is X... iAE is E and Q is Fireball (for when NW proc's), I just remap the buttons around WASD, but then again, I micro so I mouse and key at the same time... http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/4935/nonoobs0kb.jpg
  23. Why do you have ur frost spells hidden? You need nova to be hotkeyed or something, that is one of those things you should be using almost every fight. Same w/ CoC and iAE
  24. seriously HV... we need to hang out and go take a walk together... i want to see if I can slow fall around the map and hit the plaugelands or something... or is Azeroth flat like earth?
  25. lol almost 20 min on 1 trash....
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