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Everything posted by Stricnyne

  1. Hrmmm GG you can speek french, now if you could just nail down that english
  2. I am a proud member of the mile high club.......... to bad it was just me in that little bathroom
  3. Stricnyne


    we had a similar discussion last night... hrmmm..
  4. Ask and ye shall recieve, looks like it's hosting is back up, i fixed the link
  5. le sigh... LETS GET CRACKIN' IN NAXX!!! I know a guy who was born w/ hands needing that staff!!
  6. Happy B-day Shiki!
  7. like the week after release
  8. 0|_[) $]{00|_ http://img435.imageshack.us/img435/3222/9lq7.jpg
  9. all dragons are big pansys... I'll be impressed when they get to stage 2 of Kel'Thuzad.
  10. /bump.. i've been working on a new introduction sequence for the videos.. I added it to the Raz fight.. same video as before.. just an extra 1:30 on the front... give it a shot, let me know what you think.
  11. actually tammy........... wait.. nvm.. have fun!!!
  12. yeah... yeah, you get 150 frost resist and we'll see if your... "whahhh whahhhh, isn't affected by armor" argument holds up.... ohh and BTW... http://img520.imageshack.us/img520/8104/pwnagejt6.jpg LOLOL <3 this was in arcanist too... not 1/2 as geared as I am now.
  13. weak... i'll post mine when I get home from work
  14. lolol.. i've been saying since the day blizzard said expansion... that we are getting invis back... lol and look at all the rediculas new spells and talents we are getting.. LOLOL... Ummmmmmm excuse me while I got get a box of klenex and some lotion....
  15. that is a "cleaned" up UI?? geez... i would say get the broom and dust pan back out
  16. I know... I got old horde buddies that play on Cho'Gall too (Deadeye, Ustle, Prodigy... if any of you know them) But that one sucks HV.. this one is a way better http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0yI2MQf8Tk "yarrr harrr fiddle dee dee YOU ARE A PIRATE!!!!"
  17. Stang and Erlin > Gryph and Ratava?? LoL <3 u guys!!!
  18. Instructor Razuvious
  19. i'm laffing... and repulsed @ the same time..
  20. ohhh and GG on the kill guys.. Last time I got that pumped over a kill was.... well the first Fankriss kill... but still it's a great rush
  21. To Shiki -----> http://www.forgottenprophets.com/phpBB2/vi...5410&highlight=
  22. nah.. that wasn't a madonna remix it's actually Cosmic Gate feat Jan Johnson - Raging
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