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Everything posted by Stricnyne

  1. as am i =)
  2. so one day while we are getting everyone together for ZG, i do a /razone to see how close everyone is.... but zomg... where is Rein... http://img264.imageshack.us/img264/710/stables1eb.jpg ahhh the stables... where else would he be?
  3. that pic of ur car makes me laff Matt...
  4. i found another reason why i hate dez
  5. .................. this video made me forget everything I know, which is not much but that is how much stupider I feel for watching it.
  6. +2
  7. I don't have a house... but we can try a pants........ errrrr, ehemm... Apartment Party!!!
  8. I can say I drank more after 21. C'mon... I mean, yeah, you can get drunk @ house parties or whatever underage, but nothing is better than getting smashed @ a club late night, shutting the place down.. going to afterhours, hitting up steak & eggs on the way back home, then when you wake up, not remembering any of it!
  9. ... maybe you should've been there to understand
  10. Just wanted to let you all know, if you want to know what songs or anything that I have ever used in a video I can host for you to down load if you want. Just let me know the video. ORRRRRRRRRRR, if you have music that you would like to hear in a new video let me know. Either post a link to it here or PM me and I'll get you my e-mail info. Thanks -Chris
  11. Here we go.. I'll post them as we kill them. I should have had this up weeks ago but, what can I say.. I'm lazy. The Prophet Skeram Battleguard Sartura Fankriss the Unyielding Princess Huhuran The Twin Emps
  12. Stricnyne

    Is it true?

    Hykos = Pwned /gangsta-kunckle-tap to Kaslor
  13. Got any gwapes?
  14. ROFL 25k... good ole shamans.. trinketed.. flasked, greater arcane elixer, and PI'd.... still hitting for 1100'ish base... /le-sigh
  15. Stricnyne

    Naxx Mobs

    why does it that ever dog like animal has 2 heads in this game?
  16. lol... Guy-niece... i need an explaintion of the DDR pad in the background ASAP.. good find Benny... but we need to get to the bottom of this right away
  17. BooyA!!! THis ChiCk PWnEd that bottle of Vodka.... http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/6105/dayafter18yr.jpg
  18. http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/6513/roybot9hv.jpg Pwns Valdez the Dreamer
  19. BOOM HEADSHOT !!!!! http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/1893/headshot1co.jpg
  20. http://img.funny.sk/pix/1159.jpg
  21. indeed that was fun... not as fun as choking kittens to death.. but fun none the less
  22. These people... would pwn a comb.. http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/499/childabuseinthe80s10fb.jpg
  23. lol... that guy in full Commander gear was only hitting pyro's for like 1.5k.. my frostbolt crits for 2k w/o using any timers... =P but slowly you will start to see the frost mages go elemental or arcane/fire with the new patch and Naxx... it's going to be the the right (and fun) thing to do
  24. did anyone actually watch this??? it is seriously friggin high-larry-us... i'm laffing my arse off so hard right now.. Good find George!!
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