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Everything posted by Stricnyne

  1. Stricnyne


    LoL... if you were watching from a priest perspective it must have been boring... go download the MC and Rag videos.... here http://files.filefront.com/MC_completewmv/...;/fileinfo.html and here... http://files.filefront.com/Ragwmv/;4488950...;/fileinfo.html lol.. i'm plugging my own videos
  2. Stricnyne


    zomg... if you start a band can i be a groupie ??
  3. um yeah... i'm going to take a week off of work and lvl to 70 so we can do this.... WHO IS WITH ME !!!! Warrior 1. 2. Priest 1. Druid 1. Warlock 1. Rogue: 1. Mage 1. 2. Hunter 1. Pally 1.
  4. Stricnyne

    New Record

  5. http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/2937/wow20051231194939981dc.jpg
  6. well if i had to make one it would be to quit smoking... already broken... or to eat better... ordered a pizza last night..... shit......... maybe next year O.o
  7. Stricnyne


    lol... i always say zo-my gawd to people and they look @ me cross eyed... when they do that.. I usually cast frostbolt (rank 10) at them and say WTFPWND nub... GG
  8. Stricnyne


    i am just raising my post count too....
  9. zomg nubs.... go to filefront or fileshack and download the patch... put it in ur W0W direction on your hard drive... dbl click it.. and let it install... do know how many people are trying to get that off of blizzards net waves????? I would say roughly 4 million people this morning are all trying to get the same file from the same place.... i got the patch downloaded and installed in less than 10 minutes... GG nubs !!!!!! kiddin' -9
  10. Stricnyne

    MC Video

    i triple posted O.o
  11. Stricnyne

    MC Video

    part 2/3 of the triple post
  12. Stricnyne

    MC Video

    thanks for all of the feedback !!!! next video will be all funky trance and crap like that, but it won't be 35 min long so it won't get redundant... only problem now is what to take more video of... suggestions??
  13. Stricnyne


    /wave you can check my pics out @ http://www.seeStricnynenaked.com
  14. 86% meh
  15. Stricnyne

    MC Video

    It is done.... 1 million years in the making... or like 1 month..... either which way.. the link is below.. it's like 485 megs so don't plan on a short download but again, I wouldn't suffer quality for size so deal wit it... Let me know what you think!!! I want good and bad.... so don't pull any punches just cuz I'll kick ur arse.... http://files.filefront.com/MC_completewmv/...;/fileinfo.html -9
  16. both stang and eni have to wear gloves... those are precious healing fingers they are protecting.... they are legendary [Gloves of keeping your healing fingers safe from any harmful shit while at work of the donkey] .... put a riding enchant on tehm thangs and n'joy...
  17. Grim Batol is a big part of WC lore (go read day of the dragon n00bs)... i am almost 100% positive that this will be an instance some day.. after the expansion and after they finish uldum and the new on in SW/Org... but some day ..
  18. Vegas is FTW.... i could type for hours about how sweet it is but you can get the demo for free and a retail box for $90. When the edited MC video comes out (soon) you will see how a editing n00b likes me puts a sweet twist on regular plain old video! -9
  19. hrmmmm.... all the positive responce is giving me all kinds of movie making ideas......
  20. best of luck P.... and what is the "RL" thing you speak of??
  21. I've actually heard rumors and seen some pics (possibly fake) of people clipping to some underground room where the true king of Stormwind is being held captive for later quests/instances. soooo... pretty much what I'm saying G is go find it... mr. clipping exploit guy.. oohhhhh either that... or go get me samples from the sunwell, or see what is lurking in northern plaguelands....
  22. LoL..... I'm going to throw snowballs at both of you.... and <3 Eni, she sticks up 4 me when everyone else is beating on me hehehehe... I'm glad you all enjoyed it !!! I'm going to be making all kinds of video.... so stay tuned for more to come !!!! /flex /famos
  23. bwrawr !!!!! Thanks guys !!! It's fun makin movies... you should see this one I got w/ me and the girl................... never mind... Anywayz... The full MC video should be done this week b4 I go to Chicago..... looke for another movie post -9
  24. ohhhh... and /famos = /famous I wasn't going to recompile and reupload everything for a 'u'....... that's just how i roll
  25. Stricnyne

    Congrats Miz

    w00t w00t !!!!! Gratz Mizery!!!! -9
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