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Everything posted by Stricnyne

  1. Froshock is part of the new shaman talent tree. If their toon is created w/ the classic Afro hair style they cast FROSHOCK!!! This ability stuns everyone around the caster to stare in amazment, due to the amazing hair. So, it's kinda like war stomp... but all shamans w/ Afros get it.
  2. lol... WTB Bloodelf dance !!
  3. lol... i'll say it again... lern2lore Illidan mocked and resented his brother's (Malfurion) talents as a druid. Illidan prefered magic more along the lines of a mage/warlock, arcane and demonic. In a drastic turn of events involving the Well of Eternity and his addiction to magic is what, in the end of the sundering of Kalimdor got him banished to his supposed "eternal " imprisonment. Of course this is all after he turned his back on his own brother and had his eyes taken from him and his form mutated by (I think) Sageras to be a weapon against his brother and the forming alliance to stop the portal that would bring Sageras into Kalimdor.... on 2nd thought.... just go read the books
  4. lol.. and priests don't have blink nub
  5. The Stairs of Destiny is where Khaddgar closed the dark portal after the 2nd war (the one that Medivh reopened, in what is now called "Blasted Lands"). lern2lore
  6. great.... so me being exalted w/ AD will get me nothing but some plans I can't use... /shootself
  7. BEORN!!!!! OMG... my brother has finally come home... Huge Gratz.. that is a long road walked... kick you feet back... and enjoy!!
  8. weird.... how my water/food trades will not seem to go thru anymore
  9. hrmmmm... in the books/lore the last "Guardian" was Medivh... who was a master of the "Arcane Arts"... A.K.A. Mage. So I'm hoping this means that their will be a damage caster legendary!! /cheer /shibby-shibby-shake
  10. lol.. gryph can tank any MC boss AFK at this point... 5x sunders, 1x taunt... and he can go answer the door, make a sammich, drop a doose.. anything really
  11. strange.... i was doing that move IRL... funny how me and my toon are so in sync...
  12. Stricnyne


    whoa... the Truancy-bot is in full Lawbringer!!! ZOMG MC FARMER !!!
  13. <3 we just need to kill more new bosses so I can keep doing them
  14. oh noes.. they are on to me >.<
  15. For those people who have never been to this fight or people who want to see it w/o going again Mainly for the music... it's good Hakkar - The Soulflayer
  16. boobs
  17. LoL Ceridia... I always say that line, cuz 1) it's rediculas, and 2)... it's true...... oh yeah...../flex lol, I just can't belive you would remember something like that. GG
  18. filefront is fixed 100% and the new link is working as intended... n joy -9
  19. ummm... yeah.. i'm that ripped too... i just... i just.... i'm a weinie...
  20. ummmm..nef video = Jay Z something or other MP3... filefront is killin me.. i'll upload it again tonight Sorry
  21. BUMP... Nef video is done and up... music is a bit... hard, but once we get the event down to a science I'll do a take 2 and put some more "happy" music along w/ it but until then.. Njoy
  22. GAHHH!!!! hosting.filefrot is still down.. I made a youtube account and they won't let me upload a video over 100meg... it's coming... I just need to find a new host..
  23. i only have 850'ish left
  24. filefront hosting had some problems and their WM's sent me an e-mail today saying it should be back up and working properly. after i'm done working today, and right before i leave for my event tonight I'll start uploading
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