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Everything posted by Stricnyne

  1. rofl.. another classic
  2. .... for the record.. mine post was supposed to be taken sarcasticly
  3. wait... what... gryph is leaving!?!?!? WTF!!
  4. that was out of love btw... in case anyone took me seriuosly for once in my life.. <3 +1?
  5. lol no wai... i don't know what it is is about that guy but his normal face makes me LoL... not to mention this crap
  6. ..... to late
  7. So what does happen when you give a complete F%#&ING dork a few lines of blow???
  8. i would post a SS of me... but it's to friggin sexy for this thread I'll have to start one.... call it like... "people who don't get dressed in the dark".. losers
  9. did you pick that music cuz you are from chi town?
  10. Stricnyne


    made by the same guys
  11. Stricnyne


    yeah... but you'll need a top of the line rig to run it the way it was ment to be played... i am actually conidering dropping $3.5k on that new Alienware to see this marvel of an FPS.... but 2nd guessing myself cuz I'll be so engorged w/ BC.
  12. LOL, gryph wore a vest in 1998... that was the style eh? regardless of apparel, very nice video
  13. you should have named her SMC... traitor
  14. Stricnyne

    The Dumb Table

    Fura would use any excuse to pass the buck and then really come down on people with a string of curses in a more than humorous british accent... that would be followed by Jitz saying something stupid, cuz she in fact, is stupid..
  15. Stricnyne

    BC Week

    LoL.. this is awesome... to Gryph.. /yes, you should take sum time off... I'm seriously going to be going full force, all this time on beta finding out about every quest, drop, bla bla bla is going to be put to good use. I have not played in like 2 weeks, live or beta and I'm going to use all this saved up time to go BC crazy, I will be playing 16'ish hour days, sleeping and going again for 5 days, with only small breathers, bathroom and food breaks... i'm almost thinking at least 1 lvl per day so 66'ish by sunday and 70 by the next sunday. And with the amount of people off, their will be enough for 2 very well balanced 5 man groups.... LFG Ramparts/Bloodfurnace/Slave Pens... PST
  16. Stricnyne

    The Dumb Table

    I auto ran into Major Domo one night.... like when we were having problems with him... luckily I was the only casualty and didn't end up pulling a Valdez
  17. hrmmmm... that was neet
  18. Stricnyne

    BC Week

    I'll be off Wed/Thurs/Friday and the weekend... .so if you want the express train to 70 let me know
  19. for some reason... after watching that... I want to go shoot myself more than ever
  20. seriously.... the name Ravenheart is gayer than 8 guys blowing 9 guys... lolololol <3 Raven
  21. .... i h8 the holidays
  22. omg i'm going tonight!!! Lets go Levi !
  23. lol, an extra 10% to drood dmg is like getting a +5 wep dmg on a cruel barb... i mean.. yeah, it will help, but c'mon... whats the point
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