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Everything posted by Beckbristow

  1. Beckbristow

    FP Survivor!

    GTFO Beckbristow
  2. I miss my 24 hour burrito shop in Cali. Filiberto's was the best!
  3. Someone put graffiti on your floors.
  4. It's hard enough to say number 9 sober.
  6. Teh intrawebz kan tell if u haz 1337 skillz yo. Mah gearz maik hawt killz an uuber hax roxorz.
  7. Beckbristow

    FP Survivor!

    GTFO Beckbristow
  8. Ouch. Sorry bro. You should have seen raid chat though. "Where did Waraigle go?" "We need an OT." "Did he just snag the shoulders and ninja log?" "LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL" No worries though bro. You did a nice job tanking adds on Maulgar and the trash as well. Grats on the shoulders. I got the DPS bracers. I think Tinuvial got the other shoulders.
  9. Increase your stats by 6. More Int = more something probably. But I dunno...I just hit stuff a lot.
  10. +6 to stats?
  11. It told me I should go back to UBRS and practice...
  12. Q: How do you get 50 dead hookers into 3'x3'x8' closet? A: A blender. Q: How do you get them out? A: A straw.
  13. Beckbristow

    FP Survivor!

    Thanks Dunc...I figured that would catch on at some point.
  14. Beckbristow

    FP Survivor!

    Letica because he won't stop linking his S3 shoulders.
  15. I have a backyard...
  16. If it wasn't in the middle of Annual Training I would seriously consider it, but I'll be learning about the new Rocket Artillery system we are getting soon.
  17. Beckbristow

    FP Survivor!

    GTFO Beckbristow
  18. Tickets bought...me, my little bro, and my best friend are coming to ATL. Get ready.
  19. Oops correction...it was Liddel vs Renato Sobral back in '06. I always mix those two up.
  20. I'd even be down for straight to Kael/Vashj runs, but there are some good upgrades that I'd like to see from other bosses as well. Not to mention I need to kill Al'ar with my disguise on.
  21. I can tank or DPS a sunday evening run. I've tanked everything except Kael(Vashj unsuccessfully) and I have a passive uncrushable set that makes Tidewalker a joke. Edit: I also have a full NR set for Hydross.
  22. I might have to try to make that one. I'm only 3 hours away. Last time I saw UFC live was Chuck Liddel vs Wanderlei Silva in Vegas. It was awesome! I really hope Chuck's hamstring is fully healed and that he's back in true ICEMAN form.
  23. I like how the AK-47 has a GIGANTIC scope on it.
  24. Beckbristow

    FP Survivor!

    same reason I want in Finn...to vote myself off
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