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Everything posted by Beckbristow

  1. Pass the bucket and pistol!
  2. But why are all the people girls with spiky hair?
  3. I don't get it...there's a cat with a burger king crown???
  4. When I log on tonight I'll see which of my minions are interested. You can probably expect roughly the same crew.
  5. This week, same times?
  6. I like to yell...
  8. Another Pwny: Brianalt - spriest
  9. More Pwnys: Bromnei - retadin Kashis - boomkin Zypha - DKtank
  10. Confirm 9:30 start time?
  11. LOL @ Lyssa still rocking the FP sig. Pwnys so far: Beck - protwar Keldorn - holy pally Finnegus - huntard Velik - DK of all DKs Lyssa - lolfury I'm sure we'll have more as people check our forums.
  12. I'll be there!
  13. I'm going to make sweet sweet love to my computer in hopes that in a post coital state it won't DC me during Horsemen.
  14. What time are you looking at starting? I'm sure a few Pwnys would love to come if you're short raiders. Edit: Nvm the question, I just looked at the title of this thread...if it comes time to raid and you're still missing people feel free to msg Beckbristow, Deathbristow, or Madmurdock. I'll be on one of them.
  15. EVERYTHING shared a GCD. It just seemed too slow. A lot of the things I really liked from WAR are being implemented in WoW (Queueing for BGs from anywhere, stat-tracker/achievements, ect...). Plus everyone was destruction so you never saw any Order people.
  16. Soooo....hungry!!!!
  17. Happy Birthday Stang!
  18. I can write you a set of orders to Afghanistan and you can use that to get out early. That's what I always do.
  19. Claymores armed. Awaiting your order, Ma'am.
  20. Yes! The diversion....I mean transparency and accountability plan is working!
  21. Trenton, without knowing your BMI(body mass index), how tall you are, what your goals are, ect... I couldn't really tell ya.
  22. I know what I'm making for dinner!
  23. Grats guys! Mine is almost the exact same color. It's a little more on the faded red side of pink, but I've been so busy/lazy I haven't gotten around to painting it. Awesome feeling owning your own home huh?
  24. I got it earlier but I'm so sick I couldn't pay enough attention to really get into it.
  25. Thanks for letting me come guys! It was awesome! I tried to get the War Bear on my shammy with a PUG and it was night and day...we wiped on Cairne and I ninja vanished into a 25man Vault.
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