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Everything posted by tscolin

  1. why don't you guys learn real guitar? You know... the ones w/ strings.
  2. Thats good thinking! I like and agree w/ your opinions, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
  3. This is what nightmares are made of... I dont know whats worse, the fact that they have 2 heads or that they are laughing about it (from what i can see, no audio)
  4. my fav is Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) in /data/13/1/111/32/1274195/user/1359974/htdocs/php_tools/main_con_code.php on line 19 :/
  5. http://www.stupidvideos.com/video/just_pla...Space_Invaders/ Im going to do this too... Its my new life goal, priority 1.
  6. There is no spoon... Imagine this w/ WoW, you would think to yourself: "now where did i put my drink" and POW, agro'ed a boss.
  7. Heres my tip: Download the latest google earth, and hold down CTRL+ALT+A and BOOOM!!! Free flight sim inside google earth. Its a fun little egg.
  8. Nikon made an awesome flash animation that will give you an idea of the largest objects in the universe, as well as the smallest, its quite a long animation but very interesting. http://www.nikon.co.jp/main/eng/feelnikon/...ale/index_f.htm [edit] Your mouse wheel will speed up the process [/edit]
  9. http://www.myspace.com/tscolin
  10. tscolin

    Xbox 360

    my ps3 will work for decades, of my 3 xboxes, 2 of em only lasted 1 year and than blinked red. thnx Bill Gates, quality as usual, Asshole. Btw, i got warhawk, and it effin rules!!!! battlefield, eat your heart out.
  11. tscolin

    Map Wow

    your know what else is fun? your mom.
  12. tscolin

    Xbox 360

    buy the cheaper xbox, because it will give your the red blinking lights of death in a year anyway. Have fun!
  13. [edit] i was wrong, u got it right! woo! [/edit]
  14. We all do shad... We all do.
  15. to shads: http://www.globalpov.com/images/clemenza.gif too ez shad, we all know godfather.
  16. http://graphics.boston.com/images/bostondirtdogs//Headline_Archives/BDD_vic-bad-cop_shield.jpg "I hate it when a guy galls a girl who did not give him her number. SO this is me not calling. Over."
  17. http://www.soundtrackcollector.com/images/cd/large/Arnold_Music_for_the_Schwarzenegger_films_Varese_VSD_5398.jpg NEXT "Name's Barf. I'm a Mog, half man half dog. I'm my own best friend."
  18. Im like a solar eclipse, my light is barely visible from behind dwarves!
  19. This game is almost the reverse of the previous one. Rules: 1. Post a quote from a movie/event/person, and than identify that quote w/ a picture of the person or thing that said it! 2. Must be between quotation marks!! you know, these things "Hi" Ill give you an easy start!! "I have many leather bound books, and my house smells of rich mahogany." "Milk was a bad choice!" GO!
  20. Oh Burn!!! Pwnt!!
  21. omg HV, thats gonan be impossible!!! Prof. Robert Tarjan of princeton?
  22. Wow your quick!!! i removed that one like seconds after posting. also Correct!!!!
  23. [edit] DOH Gynis beat me at posting a new pic... [/edit]
  24. Well you said "chemical formula for awesome", i would reply, there is no chemical named Bishop.
  25. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strychnine HV WINS!
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