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Everything posted by tscolin

  1. This is an EZ forum game, i think some of us probably played this elsewhere. The Rules: 1. Just name 1 thing that would identify the picture (location, name, etc...). 2. When a picture is identified, another goes up. And thats it!!! So here is the first one... have at it. Also, do be sure not to give away the answer in the image url http://img244.imageshack.us/img244/8034/test1ha2.jpg Yeah, im an ass, good luck w/ this first one [edit] on second thought, i might have made the first one too hard, HINT: "USSR Disaster"
  2. mages always get the worst armor... always... Tier 5 looks kinda ok but still horrid.
  3. Madness!!!! Celebs are never photoshopped!!! they are amazing looking always!! This website is just a pack of lies!!! And very entertaining
  4. Yes, the best of craigslist is full of awesomeness.
  5. Good thinking! ever play cs:s deathmatch?
  6. Awesome job Now enjoy your 2day WoW vacation time
  7. tscolin

    Myspace Users

    i did hit it! it was spectacular!
  8. That looked like me rolling out of bed in the morning.
  9. Awww... you can still eat the pears!
  10. Dont insult him by calling him a man when he is clearly a deity, he deserves a religion, and a new intelligent species made in his image.
  11. We all know christopher walken... we all know he has a disease, and the only prescription to cure him is more cowbell. Hes the worlds greatest actor, he can dance (fat boy slim video), he can be a bad guy, and destroy bad guys in the same goddamn year. Just when i thought christopher walken has done it all, he comes back with even more awesomeness!!! Christopher Walken the Chef http://www.wafflebox.com/want-to-see-chris...oast-a-chicken/ Now im a fan of chicken... i mean who isnt? (shut up vegans...) And ive had some delicious chicken in my day... but i gotta tell ya, that chicken might be the most delicious chicken ever. Why? because my main man christopher "better than the JESUS" walken made it!! And with pears! So let me do the math for you: Chicken+pears=Delightful, Chicken+pears+Christopher Walken=Me killing myself because nothing will ever be as great as that meal!
  12. damnit stang... go yell at IT, tell them your inability to go to certain webpages is hindering your work performance.
  13. At first thought, i liked this senator, i mean, hes playing wow. Than i pondered how much time WoW consumes... http://gamepolitics.com/2007/07/24/senator...ld-of-warcraft/ Looks like this guy wont be signing in laws anytime soon... Why pass laws when you can get phat loots?
  14. she is a fine looking traylor-hooker.
  15. Thats not scary... thats like the coolest outcome possible!
  16. About a month or so ago, studies came out that showed Sodium benzoate to be harmful to your DNA. While the original story has since been removed (censored), i did happen to find one that is still up. http://www.newszap.com/articles/2007/07/28...yland/cam03.txt
  17. Im going to take this w/ a grain of salt. If its real, than it sounds great, but my gut is telling me to consider this a hoax.
  18. no audio... i feel like im missing out.
  19. tscolin


    david bowie disaproves of anything that isnt in/comprised of a labyrinth.
  20. trig what UI mods are you using?
  21. tscolin

    Batmat =D

    Im batman! well... maybe mothman
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