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Everything posted by tscolin
This is great! nice find shad!
When the aliens attack and we all die, at least we have tom cruise to procreate and revive the species. Thank god for scientology. Also, when the aliens do attack... they will come in spaceships that look like Douglas DC-8s. So when you see those jets flying around, you know... we are under alien attack.
ill keep this short... http://killfile.newsvine.com/_news/2007/10...alien-invasion-
But it will be after we purchase a Titan Missile Base! http://cgi.ebay.com/Titan-Missile-Base-Cen...132455924QQrdZ1 Lets start pooling those funds together people! we only need $1,500,000!!
Grats guys! good stuff!
All questions can be answered w/ the use of www.wikipedia.org
You should feel 100% correct, because you are, only 1 part of the question is missing, quick repost w/ full answer and u get a point
Question 2: M-Theory Explain what theory evolved into M-Theory, who was the originator, and how many dimensions this theory encompasses. GO!
RH will still experience the sticky shift key, but thats not blizzards fault!
i could be botching this, but that quote sounds like, You are free to do what you please, as long as you are willing to pay the price. While this is fine and true, it also means for things that should be legal, you will pay a much higher price than you should. Example: jail time.
agreed, NO TO UNIVERSAL HEALTH care. You serious, you want the government to handle your health? 1. im a staunch supporter of laissez-faire economics. 2. Government is retarded and slow. 3. You will only receive care that they can afford, and if our deficit has anything to do about it, you wont receive any health care.
Your argument is flawed, as its based on what you want/don't want in your trees. The issue is much deeper, i do smoke, and feel it should be legal because it doesn't harm anyone else, my smoking doesn't hurt anybody! So who are you to say i cant smoke? this is the land of the free? right? so allow me to be free. My idea of freedom is, i should be able to do whatever i please, as long as i don't infringe on your rights/property/privacy/life by doing so.
ill just answer it, The victory goes to Hannibal Barca of Carthage, and the strat/tactic he used was the PINTZER maneuver. Infact, this was the first use of the pintzer maneuver in recorded history. The Pintzer maneuver is, you encircling your opponent threw dual flanking on both sides to than enclose your formations around the enemy, effectively leaving no escape while at the same time breaking enemy lines and morale. it must be said, that hannibal was outnumbered, out geared, and outclassed by the romans. He had 40000 infantry and cavalry, while rome had about 100000 legionary infantry and cavalry. Hannibal was a military genius of the highest order, in my opinion, he was the best. Next question coming shortly.
Education is extremely important, in my opinion it should be priority 1. Our education system is so outdated, so scrambled from political ambitions, that it just doesnt work anymore. We have too many dropouts, too many kids (myself included) are just way too bored to benefit from education. Ive felt this way since before i graduated, and i feel that if a change is not made, we will have an entire generation of people who will never reach their full potential. Education is our path to the future, with global warming melting the arctic, americas large debt, future wars over resources (for instance oil reserves in the north pole will have canada, america, russia, and greenland fighting for control, its already starting) we will REQUIRE intelligent people to help solve these problems. also, inner city schools, as much as polititions wanna place blame for their poor performance on the kids themselves, you must understand they don't receive enough resources. when people complain of too many drug dealers and crime in cities, these are miniorities that cant afford college, but still want to make money, The only education they can recieve is public and what will that get them? a job at burger king? plz... if i had to work at BK after highschool, id start selling crack too! If we don't act to improve education and our debt, expect a brain drain in the future.
While that is a sound strategy for trivia on forums, you still fail at answering the question, some STRATEGY RH YOU LOSE! This is why i made this a 2 part question, obviously WHO was the ez part, but HOW will require some research!
Hannibal, CORRECT! Stratagy = currently unsolved, get to it! HINT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Cannae
great! maybe ill get an alt past lvl 30 before my death!
Rules: Answer the question to the fullest extent, and receive a point! All questions can be answered with some research at www.wikipedia.org In the spring of 216BC, there was a massive battle involving rome at Cannae. Who won this battle, and what strategy was responsible for this win? GO! Score:
I support Ron Paul. - Supports decriminalization of marijuana: Yes, Decriminalizing marijuana is good! it shouldn't have been illegal in the first place, and all it does it makes smokers political prisoners, and helps fund crime! - Supports stem cell research: Stem cell research will be huge, it will help many, eff Americas ethical lapses. - Supports alternative energy sources: None of the candidates are supporting a GOOD alternative... they keep pushing ethanol, heres the thing, ethanol requires corn, or another bio product. since they have been pushing ethanol, corn prices have skyrocketed, in some areas costing twice what they use to. Now for us Americans this prob wont be a big deal, but for millions of people across the world who depend on American food exports this is HUGE!!! they are suffering so our candidates can have a "energy alternative". Want a good energy alternative, look to hydrogen, its the only alternative that MAY actually replace oil. Hydrogen can be free too!! Just google hydrogen producing nuclear reactors. Next gen nuke reactors produce hydrogen FOR FREE!!! - Supports vouchers for school choice? Er like... our education system is so horrid a voucher wont do anything, a fix wont do anything, an overhaul wont do a damn thing. What we need is a brand spankin new education system, more education funding, more education research, an end to standardized testing, and teachers who are payed well enough to actually feel like they wanna do a good job. Oh, and ALL YEAR SCHOOL!! Its time to end summer break for k-12, all it does it helps you forget what you have learned. - Generally fiscally conservative: I don't care if you are fiscally conservative or liberal... JUST AS LONG AS YOU ARE FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE, and EFFICIENT! - Supports death penalty: Abolish the death penalty, the idea of us being the judge of whether someone lives or dies is BS, not to mention theres so many people that we jail that are ACTUALLY innocent! we are killing people who didn't do anything wrong!!!!! WE ARE THE ONLY DEMOCRATIZED COUNTRY IN THE WORLD WHO STILL HAS A DEATH PENALTY! WTF IS UP W/ THAT? anyway im very passionate about what this country has effed up, hopefully we can get a president who really wants to take this country forward, and not just make decisions that will better his political future...
shiki your sig is madness, i feel a seizure coming on.
Allow me to make a suggestion: 1. http://www.utorrent.com/ 2. Peerguardian 3. minin**a.com ** = ov
what... the... hell... ?...
thanks for getting my hopes up, here i thought it was going to be something akin to... http://www.pingmag.jp/images/article/nintendo2.jpg
Rest assured gynis, i will butcher the English language for as long as i live. English classes were the ones i slept threw.