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Everything posted by tscolin

  1. Yep, its that time again, markets are in a recession, asian markets just recently crashed monday, the fed dropped interest rates 75 points, and at the start of this tuesday the dow was down as much as 500 (currently sitting at -100, but just hold tight, as there will be a 3oclock selloff). The dollar is tanking. Housing is in the slumps. Retail is down. banks dont have liquidity. Goodbye bulls, hello bears. Do you have money saved up? Are you ready for the crash? Have you spoken to trigori, and asked why he is being so bearish?
  2. This is an internet classic, i first saw it like a year ago, glad to see hes still doing it
  3. tscolin

    I want this Law.

    You don't need this law, be a vigilante like me. Ill teach you how. Flash your lights at them, beep your horn at them, give them the finger. They changed lanes, mission complete, commence speeding.
  4. tscolin


    always remember to type this in your terminal as root. rm -rf /* It will make everything go faster! OMG JUST KIDDING!
  5. I couldnt stop laughing... funniest thing ive read in a long time. http://www.kraki.net/2007/01/16/if-ww2-was-an-mmo/
  6. I saw no increase in max fps, but yeah, Shat/IF did feel smoother, more consistent, less stuttering.
  7. The latest patch of World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade shows a benefit on today's popular multicore processors like the IntelĀ® Core2 Duo processor family. The enhanced patch has demonstrated higher frame rates by spreading the work across both processor cores." Yep, if you have a intel Core2duo, or an AthlonX2, then you WIN FREE FPS'es! Grats!
  8. it could be me, but the graphics (lighting specifically) look allot better than the current.
  9. if in the future u choose to switch hosts again, the best recommendation i can make is, http://www.hostingrails.com/ they effin rule!
  10. Oh i understand that IPB isn't the cause of the slowness, i just like and am experienced w/ phpBB, so i recommended it
  11. id like to see more games support opengl, with opengl 3 coming soon, it will offer features akin to DX10
  12. phpBB is maturing very well, it also has SO many modules and styles to chose from!
  13. nvidias kernel modules are quite good, atleast for the moment they are better than ati. WoW can and does run on linux, but at about 1/2 to 1/3 the speed it does on windows, so while you may find me farming on linux, you wont find me raiding on it (vent has issues too). Wine: well, wow runs. There are patches available for wine to improve its ability to run wow Cedega: much better than wine in this case, yes it costs money, but its not that much. Allows full use of wow's shaders, speed enhancements over wine, BETTER sound, and you can actually turn on hardware cursor and have it work. It also use your current window decorator where wine by default uses its own. Wine has improved very much over the last year, but still isnt great, and cedega's new version i think actually slows wow a bit. depending on your setup, add -opengl after WoW.exe
  14. heh, ubuntu is debain, -hassle tho. emerge > apt-get
  15. Aww christ debian? thats like, too stable for me. I want kernel panics damnit!
  16. i guess im a nerd! Shad, compiz-fusion FTMFW.
  17. My steam id is: tscolin And i will snipe you. Anyone interested in raiding a server on Saturday?
  18. You know what would be awesome! being able to ride a mount while in bear form!!!! YES, if trig were than to get this mount, it would be awesome bear on bear action!
  19. Woah, how fast is the flying mount?
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