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Everything posted by Sploit

  1. Hence, Canada sucks. =P
  2. i think you did your sig wrong, you meant to say 'canada sucks'
  3. Sploit

    Addon Help

    which is that? because that's the one i want.
  4. not really, because if there WAS world pvp, i wouldn't be floating in front of the aldor bank on my nether ray.
  5. i thought the 1900 rule wasn't confirmed?
  6. lol i saw this a few months ago, still awesome.
  7. MTF, yours was better, i HATE you for having Vegas =[ btw, Stricnyne video with a song i like? BLASPHEMY
  8. not if you don't let it get destroyed.
  9. i mean like, taking over cities, and actually being out in the world. At least out there there is a threat of dying and having to run back, in BGs who cares if you die, you just get rez'd anyway.
  10. WTB REAL PVP, not this instanced crap they give us.
  11. Sploit

    ZA info kinda

    lol i remember before BC people kept posting that on the threads that were talking about how 25 mans would ruin guilds.
  12. well, they're looking at mana issues anyway! =P
  13. so i think beorn should raid as a dps warrior, and he should get some vortexes. this is all pve, it has NOTHING to do with the fact he's on my arena teams >.>
  14. honestly, if they fix the hunter mana issues like they say they are, i think we won't need shadow priests as much. so we can then actually help the melee out as well, so like beorn said we can have like 2 hunters 2 rogues and him.
  15. well warriors can actually have amazing dps if you give them the right group setup.
  16. http://img488.imageshack.us/img488/2317/hahahalulzuz1.jpg
  17. Sploit


    hahahaha dinosaurs.
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