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Everything posted by Sploit

  1. thanks, your opinion means most to me <3
  2. Thanks, silly windows movie maker making things more complicated than they need to be. /sigh
  3. he looked at it before it was fully uploaded
  4. Well here is my Void Reaver video: http://files.filefront.com/Void+Reaverwmv/...;/fileinfo.html not everyone is going to like the music but i like it. I also spent more time on the intro than my past videos, instead of a plain blue and white intro. Enjoy.
  5. Sploit


    /doesnt drink soda
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hDQLeVJh1A lawlawlawlawl
  7. Sploit

    /Emo Crayons

    LOL wrist-slit red
  8. haha it's pretty cool, fake but cool
  9. /sigh, i was at least actually curious as to wtf it was.
  10. i'm happy this is going on, i hate certain heroics
  11. that is very true, but i have yet to see a set that even comes close to how amazing Cryptstalker was.
  12. amazing? you're wearing the ugliest set in the game, how is that amazing? at least make it the gladiator version.
  13. https://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.h...=1&pageNo=1 OWNED IN THE FACE
  14. Shad showed me this like 2 weeks ago.
  15. Sploit

    For HV.

    seems you also missed the 'o' in sorry, and the 'yo' in you.
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