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Everything posted by Feanore

  1. That was full of win
  2. Bib just got pwnt...again...and again... /popcorn
  3. Feanore


    This thread delivers
  4. I um...Think RH should answer this question.
  5. Feanore


    Lol! Sturm, that /censored sig is ftw
  6. 4 srsly IE is just the worst kind of bloatware.
  7. Feanore


    My god Soma, one would think you have a special app that instantly generates a Raptor Jesus image to fit any situation
  8. Feanore


    Is it me or is the image a perfect fit for her comment?
  9. Sorry to hear that Joe =\ However, it's a tribute to him that the memories you have are happy and full of fun.
  10. Translation? Does that mean Warhammer owns and we will never go back to WoW or that it sucks and we should just go back to FPS's wholesale?
  11. LMAO! P.s.- In the video when the pally sees his GF get smacked down, if you pause it you can see a thought bubble for 1 frame: ('OH SNAP! /bubblehearth!')
  12. Cheers! *tips glass*
  13. GRATS GUYS! Oh, and bib...You truly fail... That is none other than the Jesus!
  14. Ouch /comfort
  15. Actually, Ecth, these days you don't need to know a thing about coding to run Linux and Ubuntu is probably the most user-friendly (Translation: 'Newb/Illiterate-friendly'). Now, back when I installed kernel 1.2...That was a bit different
  16. Feanore

    Batmat =D

    OMG!!! Atrus wins +5000 trolling points
  17. Anonymous actually let the thing get close enough to bite? Hasn't anyone ever heard of mace? Sheesh...
  18. http://tvphotogalleries.com/data/657/1lb20.jpg EDIT: Honestly, Stang, your picture pwns but Mr. Cleaver was the only retort I could think of.
  19. You didn't need to say this Soma...We already knew you were a pimp
  20. Same Still...It does beg the question: If she's so addicted to WoW, you'd think she'd have played long enough to earn the gold herself; I only play casually and hate farming, yet somehow managed to get my epic mount and an overpriced epic staff in a fairly short period of time (and this was months ago now). I think she resembles a crack whore not so much in that she is merely addicted but also LAZY
  21. Srsly QFT P.s.- Soma: Fix your forum name
  22. Lol!
  23. Feanore

    lol, wut

    Soon as I heard the music I figured metalopofwah had to have something to do with it =P
  24. Owned! Soma wins
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