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Everything posted by Feanore

  1. This is sad news indeed
  2. I find most forum smiley selections are so limited they make me wanna http://portal.digicode.com/~me/humor/barf.gif FP's is actually better than many...
  3. Feanore


  4. Feanore

    Me during raids.

    Funny you should mention that...First thing I noticed when I looked at the pic was this icon lol http://www.battle.net/war3/images/undead/spells/deathcoil.gif
  5. <sobbing>
  6. Lol! 7 years after the originally posted release!
  7. Reading those posts reminded me of how lucky I am that I don't work in an office...or 9-5 for that matter
  8. Srsly! I thought this little tidbit was amusing too: WTF does that mean? lol
  9. Feanore

    FP Quiz

    I wasn't around for this, but I was around for the 1st or 2nd Ony attempt pre-FP tag when a certain MT kept dying on trash and nobody could figure out why since every healer in the raid was focused on him ('What's FR gear?' =P). EDIT: Bonus points to anyone that can name the toon I was on (nobody will get this).
  10. I was mostly commenting on Stang's pic and the turtle (come on man, you know it owns!), but that does not in any way suggest I'm not a jerk.
  11. Stang, that pic is so full of win! BTW: I had no idea they had a pet too http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dy8zggUIdaU...ted&search=
  12. ...Freak
  13. got to #32 ...Then it was dinner time
  14. Feanore

    FP Quiz

    OMFG! I remember this from SC's forums looong b4 I joined FP! In Un'Goro crater...Think it was a Tauren warrior who referred to himself as a chinese farmer; He'd either just reached High Warlord or was at warlord working towards HWL. SC forum thread was 'I 1 shot FP's GM' or something like that. P.s.- You guys were all wearing white robes and he thought you were some freaky Waco-cult-group. lol
  15. Butt phones that floss! Has Ben seen this special 'lulkat' yet?
  16. Feanore

    I apologize.

    4 srs!
  17. Some dev's favorite toon was probably a draenai who suffered orc-envy...Damn RPers.
  18. OMG! Lyssa, how did you manage to get the new pounce animation b4 the Xpac is even out? I probably won't be home in time, but if I'm online and you need a LotP aura, I'd be happy to help.
  19. Feanore

    I apologize.

    He says this every time he heals me in BGs...
  20. Lawl. Long ago they called it 'break dancing', but I'm sure there's a new phrase now. Anyway, those were some amazing moves man! Keep it up.
  21. Hm... Don't wanna burst any bubbles but I saw a projected hologram in Canada...at Expo 86 New 'screen' (I.e.- spinning mirror); I think they used steam-vapor or smoke at the demo I saw, but the projection mechanisms still seem to be the same.
  22. Best speed trick I know: 1. Low-level format your drive. 2. Install XP. 3. Prosper.
  23. win! China's best law ever
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