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Everything posted by Feanore

  1. If you really wanna know, ask Soma (Noreaster)...Just be prepared to suffer eternal psychological damage
  2. This explains allot
  3. Bummer, I think that was the best of the lot =\ P.s.- Eni: Of all your sigs, that one is still my favorite =)
  4. LMAO! I was bustin a gut w/ my headphones on and Amy's lookin at me like 'this guys has totally lost his mind...' 'EFFin Gooomba...'
  5. Grats on the kills guys! As to the Illhoof...I already responded in the other post
  6. I was online when they did it too... Saw it linked in guild chat with the followup of 'Lol! No druid!' /wrists
  7. ROFL!
  8. Is it just me or did that poor shaman look like he was being crushed under the weight of his own shoulders?
  9. Feanore

    desktop TD

    Did a shadowlabs run last night with ghost and 9er and what do I hear in the background over vent?...You guessed it.
  10. Feanore

    Epic Flight Form

    Yeah, kinda hard to tell the difference between wildheart and full T6 when you only see bear/cat/crow =P On a different note: Someone told me the cost for the epic riding skill is supposed to go down in 2.10...Can anyone confirm this? I'm about 500g from my epic now but it'd be nice to take a break from farming if I can save a few gold at patch time.
  11. Feanore

    desktop TD

    I was gonna check this out real quick before bed...3 hours ago...I hate you Krotas
  12. Feanore

    Epic Flight Form

    Yeah, plasma canons or bust. Kinda like what they did with the armor...Probably the first 'mount' armor that actually looks good.
  13. Grats guys! That's awesome!
  14. Feanore

    Epic Mount?

    Ditto...And that kinda worries me And I 2nd your lol@HV's post
  15. Feanore

    More Tweaks

    Not even an epic... Bear-Strength Harness
  16. Don't forget the venerable Tinfoil Hat
  17. Um Bentley....Fearward > Starshards (lol)
  18. That how you got started ect?...Sure looked like you (minus facial hair) =P
  19. Feanore

    R.I.P Internent

    /mourn The irony is most 'consumers' won't see the changes take place...Until it's too late. It'll mostly be subtle and incremental, but the long-term ramifications will be huge in hindesight. Too tired to elaborate atm.
  20. Feanore

    ah love....

    Wait...You're not? =P
  21. So wait...How many countries now occupy Australia?... I guess the only reason I can tie my own shoelaces is cause I'm half Canadian. Oh, the shame.
  22. Aw...Miro's pet got hit by a car
  23. Lol! That was awesome! Stang was thinking we should get a group photo of us all sitting at the table after we down him but this is even better
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