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Everything posted by Feanore

  1. Since when does minimum wage require people to understand spacial relations? And 'tessellate'? Now you are expecting them to have middle school-level education? So elitist.
  2. Shad's a poopy pants, but I"m game!
  3. Those were awesome! I've actually seen druids in flight form w/ all 3 of those items
  4. Feanore

    The F Word

    Educational and informative 9/10!
  5. Man has a point...
  6. Win! I used to be a fan of kiting elite Dragonkin from the Burning Steppes to Redridge to um...Introduce lowbies to high level content a bit earlier than normal. Getting a lock to summon people over the edge of cliffs. My latest thing as been to find horde/alliance doing their dailies in blades edge, wait for them to pull a mob (preferably the hounds since you can sit *inside* the mob) and hover over them bringing a ton of flack fire down on their heads.
  7. Feanore


    /soothe And grats guys!
  8. /confused Last photo I saw you looked like the human twig...
  9. So druid's are wearing nickers now eh?...http://forums.blackcatgames.com/images/smilies/nono.gif *glances at Brandon* Hm...There may be some truth to that
  10. http://peterpalms.com/bearrugs/graphics4/bearskinrug001-2400.jpg
  11. My very 1st toon was a rogue...And up till about lvl 20 I was convinced that more spirit = faster energy regen
  12. QFT
  13. KESA players are often individuals who like to feel immersed in a virtual worlds and see themselves as a great villain or crusader within that world. They seek out challenges against other players, but they are going to find all the areas of that world. They'll often know about the best hiding places and ambush points. Breakdown: Achiever 20.00%, Explorer 66.67%, Killer 80.00%, Socializer 33.33% Not sure if this is accurate or not...I like *knowing* people but not too sure about the whole fame/infamy thing.
  14. When you get this kinda reaction from Soma you know it's gotta be top quality.
  15. QFMFT!!!
  16. Nice 'remix' of a classic
  17. Feanore


    ...Did I miss something?
  18. Feanore


    Yeah, that was in FP's druid forums pre-BC lol Still kinda pissed I didn't get my plasma cannons
  19. That was awesome on so many levels
  20. Feanore

    'Ello 'ello

    Geffy! I'm not that busy, you just ALWAYS seem to catch me when I'm following Tutubo around which is like the grand prixx for PvP but with no time for pit-stops.
  21. I clicked the linky...Saw a few stumps and a few more trees
  22. Win
  23. Feanore


    God, I hope your Dad (2 Ds) doesn't read these forums
  24. Feanore


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