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Everything posted by Feanore

  1. How can you tell? From what I'm seeing they just photoshopped a blury SS of a toon into a picture of someone's hand.
  2. Blizz done got demselves a 3D printer!
  3. Definite win.
  4. http://www.impactmerch.com/home/files/grey/thumb/st89.gif
  5. \m/-.-\m/ BRUTAL!...And just a little /emo too
  6. All that needs to be said:
  7. Simply awesome. I never could figure out how to get under ground in that map...
  8. Fixt!
  9. Feanore

    Ni Hao.

    Moo? But seriously, not new and you shoulda just linked to Mad Cow Studios. He's done a ton of videos (many as good as or maybe even better).
  10. Feanore

    Gun Fun

    Srsly...Kids these days have it so easy Edit: Ironic that they can still make a large number of hazardous items from the cleaning section of any supermarket but they can't get a basic chemistry set lol!
  11. Feanore

    Can't log in

    Fixed. I just logged in.
  12. Feanore

    Free Antivirus?

    Symantec sucks donkey. This is not merely my opinion, most donkeys surveyed said they had been violated by Symantec...Oh, and it's a resource hog to boot.
  13. Feanore

    Free Antivirus?

    Unacceptable compromise. P.s.- Yeah, been using Avira for several years and it's been fine for me.
  14. Can you say [item]Barov peasant caller[/item]2?
  15. 'SHAKA KAHN!' Even made the cameran /lol
  16. Feanore

    Gun Fun

    They are welcome to contribute to my PayPal any day. However, I'm not greedy or anything; $1000000 should be plenty.
  17. It represents the highest form of insult. Observe: Pissboy (HeadshotSymbol) (PlayerName) '(PlayerName) is being dominated by Pissboy' Been using that name for FPS games since TF was a mod for Quake.
  18. Assuming you guys are still playing, my steam ID is Pissboy
  19. Feanore

    Gun Fun

    Claymore? Consider yourself lucky that's all you got
  20. Feanore

    Gun Fun

    Meh, K-mart was 1st.
  21. LAWL!
  22. Feanore

    Blizzard rootkit

    Yes, but I'll quote the 1st part of your post as my response to the 2nd part of your post: EDIT: Actually, I take that back...The NSA has been pulling crap similar to this since the introduction of PGP and DES...
  23. Feanore

    Gun Fun

    No guns, but quite a few bows. My favorite is my 45' Ben Pearson Palomino (1963). It has an incredibly minor arch for a recurve and shoots smooth as silk http://www.archeryarchives.com/Pearson_files/T62_files/T62palomino.jpg
  24. HV is my hero. 4 srsly
  25. What was that sonny? /hearingaid
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