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Everything posted by Feanore

  1. Wow...I was expecting a link to this...How geek am I?...
  2. So, what you are saying in 1000 words or less is that you agree with me and Ecth. Or, in summary:
  3. Only wasted 2 of mine but the sentiment is the same <3 FP!!!
  4. *HordesStockOptionsWhileDrinkingPiscoSours* P.s.- Burritos and Chicken, Vanain?...
  5. Beeker > Hillary/Obama
  6. The MC 'screenshots' were total win!
  7. Best description of mindless 'patriotism' to date!
  8. How many FPers does this describe?
  9. 'chaffing' lol
  10. WTB: Team Homo-Heals reply to this reply
  11. Here's another 'undocumented note': Swipe has been altered to avoid hitting sheeped targets still hits sheeped targets
  12. Feanore

    Viva la Emo

    Comedy gold.
  13. Feanore

    Meko is...

  14. Winning post.
  15. Then you've clearly never been bored enough to cultivate true understanding.
  16. Feanore


    I read absolutely none of the posts b4 me and I make no specific recommendations, but I will say, in all my time working in a studio, all we ever used were Sennheiser and AKG. However: Both companies have spent allot more time focusing on the consumer rather than pro markets lately, so who knows... One thing I *will* recommend when shopping for a good set of cans is this place. One of the only sites that posts spectrum analyzer data for most products, so you can compare true frequency response for each product.
  17. Guess I'm the only sucker for a good fart theme http://i.somethingawful.com/inserts/articlepics/photoshop/03-21-08-science/GoldVRod4.jpg
  18. Sorry, I don't buy it...Not until she passes the squeeze test...
  19. http://blstb.msn.com/i/24/A76151FA92ACD7414CF2CDDB7B5.jpg
  20. FIRE KITTY IS IMPERVIOUS http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a350/kowell2/FireKitty2.jpg
  21. Oh, I just wanted to /bump this to get back to Ecth's OP: I hope everyone, including our fresh prince, is OK. <3
  22. Shiki...You just got OWNED!
  23. OMG! FIXT!
  24. omg! Did you guys do it? I was at the ranch...
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