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Everything posted by Feanore

  1. Nope...And I believe it is still pretty common to hear guys refer to their bikes as 'her'. Grats Ghosty! My Ninja (used) had a bunch of aftermarket parts on it when I bought it, so I didn't have much upgrading to do, but I'm looking forward to getting new can+pipes...And a booster
  2. I kinda think covers all the bases pretty well in this vid regardless of which side of the debate you stand on...I think the title is kinda silly but good stuff regardless.
  3. I dunno. Beaststalker (pre lame art team change) and Shadowcraft were pretty cool. I still think Wildheart was one of the coolest, most original looking sets in the game (Ok, Bloodfang was and is the best). And, while it was a reskin of Dreamwalker, I thought Moonglade set was pretty cool looking.
  4. lol, I have no idea who most of these celebrities are (thank god) but bewbs iz bewbs.
  5. So, wait...This is supposed to be the 'good' art?.../boggle
  6. http://hesitating.org/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pedobear_22.jpg
  7. Feanore

    Age of Conan

    Yeah, I never do that...*Starts thinking about Klakla w/out her clothes*
  9. Feanore


  10. Grats guys! gogo team homo heals IRL!
  11. I wish it were that simple.
  12. Feanore

    Age of Conan

    Allot of points were brought up and I'm going to try to address them in order of priority: 1. MOAR PICS PLZ! 2. Bishop, that new sig is almost as epic as mine (hard to beat a lolcat though) 3. Blood n' guts: I remember a spree of 'ultra realistic violence' fps games a few years back (And this is the FPS genre where, lets face it, people are more drawn to that sort of thing). I find it funny that the games that *didn't* focus on that area (BF-series, TF2) were and are still more successful because they focused more on mechanics and *over-all* graphics quality. Also, I think that Blizz was very clever in their choice of art and effects; The use of iconic particle effects (E.g.- Buffs, specials, etc) rather than more literal translations gives them allot of flexibility to create a constantly 'new' feeling experience while maintaining an attractive environment...Sorry, but ultra-realistic isn't really all that fun imo. 4. General game mechanics: Love them or hate them, Blizz does make allot of changes, not just to class-balance, but over-all mechanics on a regular basis. This allows the game to evolve over time more than many others. AoC and Warhammer might be thinking in these terms, but I haven't seen any evidence of this; In the case of Warhammer, the general idea seems to be, as Stang put it, 'One big BG over and over again'. With AoC, they have some really cool ideas like actor collisions (gogo body-blocking), but my over-all impression from what I've seen is just 'meh'.
  13. Feanore

    Age of Conan

    Now that I've actually seen it, the only conclusion I could come to was that it really is a cyb0rz vid =P
  14. Feanore

    Age of Conan

    This is actually Atrus' Cyb0rz vid, for Stang's eyes only. Lol
  15. Feanore

    Grind Music!!

    Ministry - The mind is a terrible thing to taste (the whole album not any particular song) KMFDM - Megalomaniac, Power, That's All Tit Wrench - Pitbull with aids (GL finding this lol) The Crystal Method - Just about anything from Vegas or Tweekend 1000 Homo DJs - Supernaut SLAYER! \m/ -.- \m/ Skinny Puppy - Tin Omen On a side note, if you like Prodigy, check out Orbital as well (assuming you haven't already); A bit more mellow but still some great tracks. Also, this isn't really gonna fit your 'grind' category, but DJ Shadow is amazing for zoning out (which I often do when grinding =P). EDIT: Early 90s thrash metal lol: Vio-Lence Calling In The Coroner
  16. Feanore

    OH SNAP!

    Hey all, Dunno how many of you ever played the old UT mod Thievery, but anyway, about oh...3 YEARS AGO, I did some audio work for that group on their new mod Night Blade and well... It's moved into alpha release! WTB: UT3 lol
  17. ^ this ^
  19. Srsly http://www.freewebs.com/cortlesteeze/pix/ThreadNecro.jpg
  20. /rightclickforquest
  21. Definite winner
  22. Feanore


    /SupportsTheMop Us long hairs gotta stick together P.s.- Can you be considered a hippie if you think violence is a perfectly good form of conflict resolution?
  23. The wording at the begining seems to suggest this is applicable to PvP as well...Is this correct? Obviously, you'd have to take into account additional variables based on the opponents ratings, but it seems one could work out a basic formula for estimates. P.s.- Great post!
  24. ^ Just owned Ben ^ ...It's the greek alphabet...
  25. Feanore


    It's funny, in my life I've had lots of experiences that would qualify as 'dangerous', including but not limited to: An assortment of scrapes/bruises/etc from mosh pits, 1 car accident, 2 motorcycle accidents, several high falls, being stepped-on, kicked and bucked off of horses, but for some reason...Going head-to-head with Cops toting tear-gas just isn't on my to-do list. ...I must be getting soft.
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