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Everything posted by Feanore

  1. Feanore

    First 80 ! :/

    Wait...I'm supposed to know who this guy is?...Or care?
  2. Feanore

    Ice Wine

    Muscato is my favorite desert wine...Actually, it's about the only wine I like. I tend to have 3-4 glasses wherever I find it served
  3. D.I.Y. - Do It Yourself ... D.Y.I. - Do Yourself In http://failblog.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/fail-owned-mouse-not-located-fail.jpg
  4. In my recollection, the moto was subjective. Bros before hoes could quickly morph to Hoes before bros ...And back again, all depending on the incentive
  5. I lol'd!
  6. I was never a big Kerry fan, but honestly, to this day I don't understand all the hate. 'Unimpressive' is about the worst word I can personally think of to describe him.
  7. LOL
  8. I keep checking different sites in disbelief, and the results are the same... Regardless of who you voted for: /Grats to Obama, our new President Elect! /Salute
  9. Feanore

    Who Voted?!

    <-- /voted Late by all of your standards, but A) I'm on PST clock B) Independent contractors don't get payed leave to vote...
  10. Feanore

    Ever wonder?

    With this statement alone I'm amazed you ever made it into FP...When I joined I was informed that disappointing Bob was one of the founding principles of this guild Also: Yeah, Fiord and DL's wedding in Un'Goro. Tauren HWL posted a thread something like 'I 1 shot FP's GM'. I guess seeing a bunch of FPers in robes kneeling would kinda lead one to the cult conclusion
  11. I don't think it sucked Saucey, but I don't know if I'd call it the 'trippiest' vid I've ever seen. Considering the inspirational material was written by Lewis Caroll, the original tripper, it certainly has potential as exhibited by that vid. However, there was another flick, in our forums a few months back that definitely won the trippiest award for me...Not sure I can find it now though...Forum trolls? /help
  12. Feanore


    Full of pure epic!
  13. Hate to break this to ya DL, but even if you don't hear anything in the news, it's not going to be 'getting better' for quite some time. Will there be breadlines like the 30s? Probably not (or probably not soon ), but it's going to take some time for the market to, as they so diplomatically like to phrase it, 'settle'. Then again, wouldn't it be cool if the next alternative fuel vehicle was a human-blood-powered V-8 Interceptor?! Aw, come on, you know you want one http://www.madmaxmovies.com/making/madmax2/images/Pinnacles/BuggyAttack.JPG http://www.madmaxmovies.com/archives/PressMaterial/MadMax2/Photos/Colour/images/3500kmFromEverywhere.jpg
  14. Stance Dance Revolution RL tabards?...Lol! Sorry, Ecth, different guild/different time (Think back when SCUnited still existed...Hm...Maybe not that long ago but close). Now that I think of it, Abi, wasn't that something you came up w/ while chatting w/ EZmode?
  15. And yes...Very glad to know you 2 are ok!
  16. That's the man for ya...Always beatin' a brotha down.
  17. My anniversary with Amy is Hollow's Eve
  18. Prove it... P.s.- Nothing is more satisfying than posing a challenge at someone else's expense
  19. Hykos wins!
  20. /ANAL
  21. Feanore

    Capital Call

    I thought the titty shot was payment enough, But if you really need the cash...Guess I'll paypal on monday.
  22. Quoted for win.
  23. Who needs town hall debates when you can have ?
  24. Lol! I think my favorite is still the Family Guy one, but that was funny!
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