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Everything posted by Feanore

  1. Feanore


    ^ This ^
  2. Feanore

    Capital Call

    You should be very afraid right now. I suspect it'd be something like this... http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z156/sfcjrice/moobs1.jpg ...But worse
  3. Feanore

    Other TV Shows

    For a minute there I was wondering if I was the only person following the new Dr. Who... Damn, you people are missing out! Torchwood, Lost, BSG, Um...The Daily Show Mostly watch my series online or via netflix these days. The only real 'television' I watch is PBS (lol @ people who pay to have cable).
  4. OMG...Just OMFG YES YOU DO BENNY!!! P.s.- I was thinking Rosilyn too, but 'red herring' is a distinct possibility...Or it's a 'I'm in ur cylon hedz makin ur profesees tru' kinda thing. She was taking a 'mind altering' drug for her cancer.
  5. Jadelah h@X?
  6. /AMERICA!!!
  7. What I got from this pic: And OMGHAI2U ABBIE!!! <3 <3 <3
  8. Don't think I can top this comment...
  9. Many winning comments in this thread!
  10. Here ya go Benny http://compassioninpolitics.files.wordpress.com/2007/11/bankerlolcatfunny-pictures-banker-cat.jpg
  11. I think Rosh needs this for his phone
  12. Ah, I <3 my city
  13. These guys are epic!
  14. I hear it has the Cheney seal of approval; Heard somewhere that he's got a home there. Sounds like a great vacation get-away for people in the business of exploitation.
  15. EL OH EL
  16. Epic economics
  17. Actually, The Daily Show disagrees Evidence (plus great summary of the 'incentive' addons)
  18. Suggested change of title: 'How do you put an anvil in low earth orbit win the darwin awards?
  19. ^This^ I really miss /SCUnited and team 'OMG I hope the f*#kin boots are up' (some of you may remember us from WSG).
  20. Funny thing...This is what I always thought of raiding But seriously, that's why I spend most of my time doing world PvP; The real challenge is being able to adapt adverse and unpredictable situations with often unconventional solutions. FPS vs. WoW? Meh, the concept of 'PvP' is so different and environmental elements as well as mechanics don't even really allow for decent comparison. If you love PvP you love PvP. If not, what can I say? It's in most MMOs on some levels so obviously the draw is there. Although, I must admit PUG BGs/gear are about as useful a benchmark of 'skill' as raids where some people sat AFK in MC/BWL/AQ/BT/blah/blah/etc/etc to roll on epics after their guildmates did all the real work.
  21. I was a Green Machine fan myself. Curb wheelies > drifting http://www.businessfacilities.com/blog/uploaded_images/green-machine-2006-small-750306.jpg
  22. ^ This ^ (I'd still never pay that much for their crap, but props on the marketing angle)
  23. Makes me think of an email I got from a friend about Smart Car body kits: http://www.caymanclub.net/gallery/files/4/2/1/6/5.jpeg http://www.caymanclub.net/gallery/files/4/2/1/6/2.jpeg http://www.caymanclub.net/gallery/files/4/2/1/6/4.jpeg
  24. 4 SRS
  25. And the grind to get out of no-fly status in goblin towns? How long will that take?
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