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Everything posted by Branham

  1. Hahaha plumpy's post is ftw. I got INTJ. 44% Introverted, 62% Intuitive, 12% Thinking, and 1% Judging. They are rather rare, comprising no more than, say, one percent of the population. In a sense, Masterminds approach reality as they would a giant chess board, always seeking strategies that have a high payoff, and always devising contingency plans in case of error or adversity.
  2. hah that's awesome. where are those quests at? draenai starting stuff?
  3. my favorite kind of bacon is the explorative kind. here's to those brave strips in that sink
  4. i bet when no ones looking you put spikes and stuff on your horses and ride your battle steed into brutal places to do brutal things
  5. hahahah... when draenai females cast they say UNNNHHHH
  6. wow thats very...bizarre. i can't believe it was that big o_o BRAIN SLUGSSS
  7. MC Chris owns. I wanna go to an MC chris show. somethingsometing so in the meantime i'm gonna memorize all of his rhymes
  8. amg. we can nuke chatty orcs in the expansion. and not get DK's
  9. Branham

    This is you.

    Think this would be a good time to mention... Fading Effigy, November 4th at the 7 Venue in Douglasville, GA.
  10. amg. i think i'm gonna reroll lock so i can wear tier 4 they need some uni-class armor that makes you look like that o_o it looks so badass. i want a druid aura. like. leaves. maybe a herd of deer to run around with me. ya. DEER ARE BRUTAL
  11. Branham


    zomg. quit doin drugs plumpy.
  12. omfg. druid shaft again. we get our antlers back. plus a skirt. AWESOME
  13. is the 2nd one going to have cheap covers of those songs? or will it be the real versions? that would make it ultimate. x_x QFT. they suck
  14. hahahaha wow. that was really great to wake up to and watch xD
  15. Branham


    dude....the x-men theme is one of the most amazing songs ever
  16. o_0 Blizz UI by default has the xp bar and a rep bar. Go to your rep page and hit teh check to make it "show as xp bar." It works on alts too, I have my WSG rep showing for Crunchwrap.
  17. Branham

    I giggled

    does that mean i'm a top tier reward, or bottom tier? O_o;;
  18. Haha, C'Thun lazr pew-pew'd the whole raid. That was awesome.
  19. Branham


    Cyborgs arent allowed to play. you proly got some kind of targeting software programed in you. QFT. No robots allowed.
  20. sweeeeet. what level are you on it?
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