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Everything posted by Branham

  1. Branham

    I'm here!

    means theyre chill and keepin the peace =p cause they're allowed to smoke!
  2. Branham

    I'm here!

    I can't tell if that's Blue Steel or Le Tigre, but I <3 Zoolander faces xD
  3. lmao at soma. makes me think of borat
  4. Branham

    Oh My Lord...

    man i just got on and saw (330) new posts x_x
  5. heh...this is teh band i'm in http://www.myspace.com/fadingeffigy the only recording on there is hella old, with our 2 old singers and bass player. should have new recordings in january and i'll post em up hereee
  6. hahaha. yea. maybe we'll get another awesome skirt. and a quilt design.
  7. zomg. that's scary xD i'd love to land a wrath off of all those debuffs
  8. hahahahah. the preist has bling on his crotch xD and yea. i think me and HV are gonna roll locks
  9. same =/ warrior looks pretty intense though, not as bulky
  10. this picture might be NSFW. or it might really be a guy. i can't tell o_o
  11. hahahaha awesome. did you keep the magnet of me on your freezer? =D
  12. Like it makes a difference to you =P Speaking of toasters, have you used your microwave yet?
  13. heh. that's pretty impressive.this almost makes me want to answer the house phone
  14. well. i didn't even notice i was in that picture, thanks for being creepy hykos. i was trying to convince gryph to give me a hug. xD he was like...srsly the ONLY person i didn't get a full fledged hug from. i even got one from gynis, even if it was only so i'd stop bothering him =p
  15. Branham

    Go Vote!

    The two party system is summarily a failure of democracy. Beauraucracy and tradition have taken over the idea of truly electing the best candidate for the role of president. It's too deeply entrenched already to stop it or do anything about it, no third party candidate will ever be president.
  16. i'm pretty sure you're the only person i didn't get a full fledged hug from!
  17. Branham


    If that's what her keyboard looks like I'm not sure I want to see a picture of her after all. nothing wrong with getting dirty now and then and you never see them together in one room i actually laughed at one of vanin's jokes! xD
  18. Branham


    omfg. i still need pics of your sister =D
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