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Everything posted by Branham

  1. Lol...wow. Donkey Kong rode the fvck outa that silver monkey. xD
  2. Wow...that cat is oldddddd. Shiki and I had a siamese that was ~19 when she died, and she was so frail and old. x_x We had to carry her up and down the stairs cause she couldn't walk up them herself lol. Oh and lemon, I can take it home if you haven't found someone already. ^_^
  3. x_x I'm living without a cat for teh first time in my life, and I don't like it one bit. Albeit affectionate, the bunny doesn't purr. =[ I'm gonna beg and ask if I can get a kitty. >_<
  4. When I saw the title, it struck me that this time, I kinda want the kids to win. Its too easy for the train.
  5. lollll, i didn't realize those pictures were real at first. i was like "haha, snow white."
  6. IMO if wake and bake is acceptable, so is wake n drink. =D
  7. =[ it said the thread is baleted already
  8. Branham


    he used to crapped in my cereal and on my pillows. =[
  9. Lol that was awesome. They need to upgrade DDR srsly. First off, they need the Captain Jack (R.I.P) edition, which would most obviously only have songs by Captain Jack (R.I.P). Then they need one with american music, rather than random 1 minute long japanese techno/dance/ddr songs xD Except for Captain Jack (R.I.P), they need to keep him in the mix. THEN they need to make a big touch screen TV. And with it, they'll add a 6 foot pole that I can use as a stencil (in lieu of my penis for when friends are over) so I can sit on the couch and play elite beat DDR agents. On a big tv. With Captain Jack (R.I.P).
  10. I refuse to get one until they come in the flaming skeletal color. But grats RH ^_^
  12. Yo dawg, if you come down to the A town. Wassup. But srsly, on da real, we call dat shit a G, G.
  13. Branham


    hahaha. DI DI MAU HYKOS
  14. Branham

    Cat thread

    So no ones replied to this video, and I'm kinda scared to click it. =o >.> <.< /awaits second opinion Edit: Haaahahahahahahaha. Fucking amazing. That cat LOVES it.
  15. DUDE! I replayed that game a few weeks ago. God I love it hahaha
  16. Yeahhh, 13, 14, 15th weekend sounds great, cause there was a change of plans and I'm going to end up at Metrocon in Floridaaaaa on the 7th. I can't blame you for lying BW. I ruled your ass at Guitar Hero all morning, I'd try to block taht from memory too. =D
  17. That's mindblowing. I can't wait. That's one of those awesome things you see in futuristic movies. Except I haven't seen it in a movie, and it's hopefully going to be in the future. xD
  18. /wrists =[ Oh and good news. I'll be in town for all the festivities. <3 I was goign to end up in florida for some anime con there..i think metrocon maybe? But yea, the people who I was going with decided not to. =D
  19. It's not haha. It's at a convention center in downtown atlanta. There was a huge dancefloor there and a ton of tables. The floors carpeted, not cement. xD Just looks like a garage cause of the lowlights in the background i guess. It was at prom =P
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