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Everything posted by Garnok

  1. But the rail road tracks never cross they run parrel to Satellite and they are closer to Buford Hwy anyways (I know way to much about how to navigate the metro area)
  2. If you pass Side Lines Grill going north you went too far
  3. Trigga, I need to show you some addons, I swear there is viewing space in there somewhere
  4. Didn't Ready mention something about wanting a cookie in another thread, I think we have a suspect
  5. Luc and I are still in and if you guys want to do a smaller get together this weekend, we'd still be up for it
  6. Whoever cleaned up the Stickies in the Application Forums, Thank you. I was so close to asking Gynis for 24 hour mod access to clean it myself, now I don't have to worry And this new Member No. thing makes me feel really old in the guild.
  7. Luc and I are spending this great romantic day at home..... ...sick and in different rooms, just our luck
  8. Garnok


    I thought you were looked at funny no matter where you went?
  9. Garnok


    Have a safe trip guys, can't wait to see you 2 on a more regular basis.
  10. I believe we have been the largest since we were raiding with CoL, I believe they were the largest at that time but guild issues came up and a lot of people left, we took the number one spot and never gave it up. I believe I am still the one setup to update the guild on this site as well, used to run the addon for it till Sileed get his site up and running.
  11. Look Gynis, the level 59 hunter is laughing at you
  12. Garnok

    Patch 2.0.3

    Now hunters will need Might, Wisdom, Salv and Kings in 25 man raids. Ah I see what Blizzard did there, make all the hunters happy for a breif second till they realize they will not get all the buffs they want in a raid.
  13. lol, Gryph I think you need to work on your intensity By any chance was your name inspired by Leaping Lanny Poffo?
  14. Garnok

    If I were to...

    Este, if you do not wish to wait to save up and get a dell then just make sure to do lots of research. www.pricewatch.com is a very good site to get prices but a little light on tech specs. One thing you could do is make sure to get a motherboard with onboard video and you can then wait a little while before getting a bigger video card. You could also do that with ram as well starting smaller and then moving up, just make sure you have enough slots for all the ram you would like to buy. Stick with big name brands, they normally have the best warranties. Asus motherboards 3 year warranty BFG video cards lifetime warranty Kingston ram lifetime warranty With power supplies the easiest way to test their quality is oddly their weight. If they feel like a rock then they should be pretty good but if you think you could throw it 50 yards it might not be that great. Remember in the end this is your baby and you are the one who has to live with it so do as much research as you can and get as many opintion as possible before you are ready. That is why I go with Dell now. I came from a mom and pop computer store and back then I loved to rebuild my rigg every couple of months but now that I got another job and all we use are computers I built back from the mom and pop shop and dells I can see the difference and I understand why Dell has become the juggernaut that it is today. Have fun and good luck
  15. Garnok

    If I were to...

    You can't get a decent gaming computer from Dell for $600. True but you can get a good one for around $1000 and you can easily get no interest credit from them
  16. Garnok

    If I were to...

    I would completely suggest getting a Dell. I have built my own computer many times now and it's just nice to have someone else do it and know that if something goes wrong they will fix it.
  17. Garnok

    The Dumb Table

    My favorite has to be when I was on an Baron 45 minute run with mostly FP. It had been a long time since I had been there and we were all rushing since it was the first 45 min run for most of us. So we get to Baron and are heading down to his room and being the vertren hunter that I am forgot to set my pet to passive from defensive. By time I realized what happened it was way too late and little old Blindspot was trying to tank Baron. Ended up having to run the whole thing again but it's worth it for the story.
  18. Garnok

    XP Passwords

    Aw Gryph, you're exposing my sources, not cool I do use the repair method a lot here at work, not because of passwords but for using a standard ghost image on workstations with different hardware. It works everytime for me.
  19. Garnok

    XP Passwords

    Instead of using the recovery console try doing a repair install. Boot off the XP cd Hit Enter to install Windows Hit F8 for the Licensing Agreement This is the important step. Normally at this point previous versions of windows will be found and an option to repair will be given. You want to repair here, the only thing you will lose by doing this repair is you have to reupdate windows again and that's it. If you do not get the option to repair then there is a problem with windows finding your installation which is a more difficult problem to fix.
  20. Updated my UI a bit, added some addons and got rid of some addon but here's the finished product http://www.forgottenprophets.com/Bookkeeping/GarUI2.jpg
  21. So Jonathan Breck plays the Creeper in the Jeepers Creepers movies. He also played a dying borg in a Star Trek Voyager episode Survival Instinct where Seven of Nine orders 3 other borg to salvage parts from the dying drone so http://www.hytti.uku.fi/~vaisala/GALLERY/Jeri%20Ryan.jpg
  22. We should have a Canadian tax for Krotas to pay
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