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Everything posted by Garnok

  1. No, a nerd would say a Warp Core from one of the movies between First Contact and Nemesis
  2. A Warp Core
  3. Centralia, Pennsylvania too much info in the pic
  4. Chernobyl
  5. Like we have any control over what the Proxy blocks
  6. I see your video and raise you the greatest pitch in baseball history http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1492I4PqwY
  7. Garnok

    omg...help me

    I am able to get to the site, it's possible you have a pop up blocker stopping you. Try going to the account page from one of the links on wow's main page. Try holding down the Ctrl key when you click and see if the page comes up, if that doesn't work repeat while holding down the Shift or Alt key until you have tried all 3 keys.
  8. I remember leveling without first aid, think i was in my 50s before i got it
  9. So what is Shad doing at a porn site at work I wonder
  10. Garnok


    Emo are the offspring of the "staple my hand to my forehead" goths but the rest of us would probably rather kick their a$$ then have anything to do with them.
  11. Garnok


    I wonder how many old 1990's Goths think "omg, what have we done"
  12. Stric, I saw this in someone's sig on the wow forums and thought of you
  13. I have to admit, pairing Hydross and Mag into the same night really does seem like the way to go. I'd almost want to say put VR on the back burner. Do Hydross and Mag on Raid day 1, Lurker and Gruul's on day 2 and then start on Tidewalker on day 3. That would look like a nice start to a raid week to me.
  14. Stang, change his forum rank too, he's F&F not Probie
  15. You know I spoke too soon on the mana issues. A BM or Survival Hunter should be ok on mana but a Marks Hunter would probably burn through it all very quickly compared to the other 2 trees because of the cost of Multi and Arcane.
  16. We don't need any fixes to our mana and we don't need shadow priests either. What we do need is the ability to have a paladin in melee range during all boss fights to keep Wisdom Judged at all times. Hunters gain more from that judgement than anyone else and it would remove our need to be in shadow priest groups freeing up room for more locks, mages, boomkins and healers. I also think we need 2-3 shadow priest for every raid to makes progression easier all around
  17. I want to see Dragon MT some 25 mans
  18. I can almost see Joe watching this over and over since he first posted it here.
  19. If you want your games to run really well you'd use Win98 and kill the explorer.exe processing
  20. It's not that bad, my mom is using Vista and she just learned how to cut and paste last year and my dad keeps AOL around so she doesn't have to get used to IE. Odds are my next box will have Vista and I'll get a head start in learning it before it becomes the normal OS at work.
  21. I bet your arguements for not using Vista could also be used for not using XP
  22. I have 1 Felz, it's on the way
  23. Garnok

    25 Things

    I love our Guardians
  24. Gryph, did I see a little Scott Hall impersonation in there when you pointed to some one in the crowd?
  25. As the only comment on the video says "An instant classic... 10 years later"
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