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Everything posted by Garnok

  1. Joe, you forgetting who the parents are
  2. That's a good point HV, todays processors have just under 1000 little pins on them, if one breaks, that's physical damage which is not covered under warranty so you could easily be out a good chunk of change.
  3. Personally, I would not deal with Monarch. If you are building it yourself, hit up Pricewatch.com If you don't want to go through the hassle of building it yourself, go with Dell. I spent 2 years building computers for a living, I have been building my own for about 5 years now. My last computer I went with a Dell so I wouldn't have to worry about anything and I am very happy I did.
  4. Garnok

    ZOMG Addicted

    I love this picture: http://mmogchart.com/Chart7_files/Subscriptions_12473_image001.gif
  5. Garnok

    Feed me!

    man, you're going to make me wake up early, Luc and I should be there.
  6. Garnok

    Feed me!

    What time and which one? I'll talk to Luc about it.
  7. Does this mean you're coming down to FL with all of us?
  8. Superman came out 30 minutes ago, why should I care about this second rate hero
  9. Garnok


    It's so nice to run around EPL and beat on some scourge / horde...
  10. Hopefully I will be 60 for the next one so there can be a little bit of battle of the monitors with Hin
  11. Garnok


    Hey Panda, good to see your still enjoying the game, and I'm still around, I just entered the witness protection program so no more hunter for me
  12. Garnok

    Bear Bounce

    So I found out Erlin hadn't see this yet so I had to post it, don't ask how it come into the conversation. http://www.ifilm.com/ifilmdetail/2707388
  13. But Soma, I know you'll be able to hold argo
  14. I think this would be the right place to do it, I would like to challenge Soma to tank Onyxia, it should be fun one night
  15. Garnok


    Flexbar and ABInfo work just fine for me along with everything else I got.
  16. Now's our chance to surpass them in progress through AQ40
  17. I was able to find the patch notes from 5/19/2006, I'm not sure if they have been updated since then. Being a patch day, I can't seem to get into the wow site. I hope it helps a little Stang, the copy and paste made it lost all it's format but should still do it.
  18. Stang, you saw all those faces from the Xmas part pics except HV and Rat
  19. RL Names FTL And Joe, I can't believe you wore a shirt from work you nub
  20. So how does a Sentinel, a robot, pwn the Nebakanezer's EMP field?
  21. http://dansego.com/matrix/Images/Hover_inflight.jpg
  22. Garnok

    Forum Sigs!

    Well, I never said I liked the guy, he is one of the bigger idiots in the business
  23. Garnok

    Forum Sigs!

    Gynis, you put yourself in T3, you put Eni in T3, you put Stang in T3... why does Stric only get T2? And Stric, you better be careful with that catch phrase, Big Pappa Pump might come after you http://www.obsessedwithwrestling.com/pictures/s/scottsteiner/31.jpg
  24. But then who is Gryph's hero?
  25. Stric, I did the same thing with my hunter for Melee and Ranged. I had Scattershot on the Melee bar and used it often. It's a quick hit on ` 2 ` and I've casted Nova and I'm back to my Damage Spells I'm just a wierd guy that finds it easier to remap buttons then hit 6-0 on the key board.
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