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Everything posted by Garnok

  1. http://www.thottbot.com/beta?i=915
  2. Gynis, why don't we throw in a Waffle House run after the D&B Blitz, much quieter place for people to drink bad coffee and smoke in the parking lot
  3. Dez, my parents can drive up there from here every year, get your butt down here and wipe this party.
  4. Thank you Gryph for the leadership you have given us and thank you for always being willing to listen to my suggestions, I have always felt that a true leader is able to take advice from all sources and not be so stubborn in thinking their opinions are the only ones that matter. You have done that a lot and I greatly respect it and you. I am sorry I was not able to be there tonight for your send off, some personal things have been messing me up this week. Good luck and have fun with whatever you move on to. /SMASH!!!
  5. Garnok


    Gynis, can you send this over to Luc for me please
  6. Garnok

    Red Sox Hate

    http://www.starpulse.com/news/index.php/20...n_refused_to_we I had to post it when I saw it.
  7. and another hunter enters the world, gratz Sileed and Mrs. Sileed.
  8. Schematic: Crashin' Thrashin' Robot hehe, can't wait to see Hin with one of these
  9. Xin, I had a feeling this was coming with Taev going over there. I'm excite for you and what you will bring to this new guild. I guess the hunter duo from MoM is finally broken up Let me know if there is anything I can do for you, I will be more than happy to help. Good luck man.
  10. OMG it's GYNIS, I thought he died or something
  11. No hunters either, who wants to start taking bets that the class won't even be worked on till about a week before release, that won't be a change at all for us
  12. I'd like it if my attacks weren't affect by armor either Stric
  13. Ravin, yep that's right I still call him Raven, take care man. I hope to see you guys progressing smoothly through instances soon.
  14. Is it just me or does he look even more like a hobit in this pic than normal: http://bitchincamaro.no-ip.com/files/weddi...ng/DSC00241.JPG
  15. So I've been trying to cut down on button space, how's this look http://www.forgottenprophets.com/Bookkeeping/GarUI.jpg
  16. Great, not only do we have HV bring fleas to all the hunter pets but now you're bringing them to IF, thanks Shiki Gratz man
  17. Great run guys, even if I did get cut out of the pic
  18. I just want to thank everyone who came over Sat night, it was great having you all over and just being able to hang out for a few hours.
  19. Hykos, keep Luc and I in the loop of what's going on, we would love to be a part of any events.
  20. http://www.tomsimpson.org/images/gijoe.jpg Yep, that's right, the Sarge front and center.
  21. Oh, so Bentley has been lying I think it's almost safe to say that every toon the "clan" has is owned by the clan and not the individual. I still feel like a sucker though for calling Joe out like that when my facts weren't entirely correct.
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