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Everything posted by Krotas

  1. i want... money? =D
  2. goodby hothgar, u will be missed by all of FP, best of luck to u in your new guild, may they love u as much we did, and always will
  3. Krotas

    This just in:

  4. thanks stang.... u rlly dont think much of me do u? O_o and to think i was hoping for a compliment or two on my rewriting the old script files for necrosis =P
  5. I can't get it to work for me O_o when i launch the application.. umm... well, nothing happens lol
  6. zomg! so yah up here in Toronto we have a radio station called HTZ FM, 97.7 and they have this contest thing that they are doing for the next like month, where u submit four songs and if ur chosen they play them, and occasionally if the submitter included some sort of reason or explnation to the songs, the DJ talks about it before playing them. I submitted a bunch of songs and said they were to wish FP luck in facing the emps and to use as the soundtrack for our emps video when we down them (not that we have to, im just saying it wouldnt b a bad idea =P ) and so yah the contest is the fourplay at noon, on 97.7, u can listen to them at http://www.htzfm.com/ , starts at 12 noon (EST) every day monday - friday, tune in and hope FP gets picked =D FYI if we get picked i win free lunch at hooters in niagra falls O_o
  7. FYI exist, "PSX" is "PSone", so iunno wut u meant when u said PSX O_o
  8. No fetch... my leetness saves your life, those spells send gryph mass text informing him to shield wall. =P
  9. zomg Hi I'm Krotas and I'm an addict!... err...wait.... wrong thread O_o hehe, real names Greg, go to school, just entering my last year now, plan on becomming a computer engineer / game designer (least i hope it works out that way O_o ) Love playin PS2, XBOX 360, gamecube... and yes SNES is the best system ever =P FYI the only game i play on the computer is WoW, and i had just about givin up on that until willas, storm, marbo and este told me to apply to FP, then suddenly i started playing again ^^ Oh and almost forgot the most important part... im Canadian eh =D and grats on that whole becomming an uncle thing, i may b late but better late than never at all =D
  10. Krotas

    They DO Exist

    zomg GRATS! seriously when i saw that pic before reading the comment under it i thought u were announcing u had hair that rivalled 9's =D
  11. If we didnt hit that link when u posted this, r we listening to what is playing now or what you were playing?
  12. Mir's next mission: stop collecting pets, start becomming pets. =D
  13. lol!
  14. conflagorations!!!!!!!!!!!! now u can farm me money O_o
  15. /found /join church of ST. Loofa.
  16. awsome huhu vid 9 =D
  17. wOOt! huhu got PWNED like este looking in a mirror! =D <3 este thnx FP for teh awsome shoulders, the dmg increase is CrAzY O_o Oh, and... us locks have more SR than the game even allows us to have, so yah um... twin emps get started on digging those graves.
  18. w...t....f...?
  19. hahahaha that was good =P
  20. I remember seeing this a bunch of times, those were good days exist, good days
  21. That was so funny that it would be against the laws of physics for there to not have been a Canadian in there somewhere =P
  22. Krotas

    4 Years UCA

    Ah... memories! I still remember the time i was removed from the guild for inactivity when i was online every day.... lol <3 UCA =D Exist you forgot to mention the trouble UCA had with blizzard once we moved to WoW UCA stands for united canadian alliance (btw i was the one that came up with the name "uca", we then invented "united canadian alliance" because we liked "uca" as its short-form name ), when the guild was formed in WoW it was named its full name, and blizzard promptly disbanded the guild because it had the name "canada" in it. This rases the question: why did blizzard include a canadian flag as a possible tabard design if we couldn't use the word "canada" in a guild name!? lol <3 crazy ol' blizzard... We also once made a photo op of all of us in our tabards wearing staves enchanted with beastslaying to have a red glow... we made ourselves look like we were carrying hockey sticks and planned on submitting it for the blizzard photo contest; of course, it was regected as using "canada" as the theme, hahaha.... Finally, I have one last story of the ol' UCA days, one that makes everyone laugh when they hear it (sorry to all you UCA guys that I may have told this to in the past ) I was walkin' down the street in SW wearing my tabard, and some random guy walks past me and stops; he sees my canadian flag tabard and sais to me "WOW! r u rlly canadian!?" i reply "yah, eh" as i always do he then responds "crazy! hey, is it true u guys up there get internet connection!?" **REMINDER** : he is asking me this WHILE playing WoW... "No comment." comes to mind... Anyways, here's to the old days of joys and sorrows, of using vent during FFA's and noone being brave enough to speak, of playing customs made by our own Exist, and of deffending Canada in chat rooms filled with americans, and one Quebec guy... Here's to UCA!
  23. HEY! YOU WILL ADRESS AKIRA AS SIR! HE IS YOUR LORD AND MASTER NOW!!!! neways, hihi, im the wierd guy around here =D warlocks > all <("<) <(")> (>")>
  24. shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!! zomg long time no c =D btw krotas = keynarat = keyboy =D course... that was a long time ago... now its more like Krotas = SBX = key = krotarat = keyboy = keynarat = that guy = some noob =D Oh and, just FYI, it's 30 epics ^^
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