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Everything posted by Krotas

  1. wait... my lock can play with este's lvl 60 mage... and taunt him by walking through the dark portal? hmm... interesting... =D
  2. Krotas


    zomg i'd say im gonna connect it and tell u but im going to montreal to visit familly tomorrow and there's no internet where im staying
  3. that would b hilarious, but mine bugged and kept crashing at the part with the bunny :*(
  4. HOLLY FACK! I think this is the part where i start my own religion and have ppl bow down before me.
  5. *srry gynis i changed it cuz i wuv u *
  6. um... im a kid... i dont even have my own money to spend...
  7. u wanted money, right? http://news.sympatico.msn.ctv.ca/TopStorie...showbyline=True and that's why being cheritable is a bad thing, if we were all greedy SOB's the world would be a better place... that's my motto neways
  8. Krotas


    I'l never understand... http://www.noooz.com/archives/2006/12/i_ra...r_but.html#more got a good laugh though =P
  9. i've said to ppl "bi! love u!" before... il give u a hint as to why that wasnt good: they wern't relatives, and they wernt female....
  10. good God im going to have nightmares from that...
  11. they r gonna tax me for looting vancleef? I wonder what the IRS would say to me if i refused to pay that...
  12. Krotas


    omg <3 Jr
  13. mwhahahahahhaa mwhahahahahhahahahaha MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/8288/socnn7.jpg 25000 dmg from a single DOT and 18 seconds of waiting..... warlocks > mages *EDIT* i made a mistake... its more like 30000 dmg =D
  14. Krotas

    Not again....

    I log on.... and...and....and... *deep breath* "New posts: 671" help me... plz.....
  15. it's not terrible at all actually.... in fact, few secrets are better... OMG story time: so im at home for third period spare, and some mail man guy knocks on the door. So I answer it, and he hands me a small package and sais he was told to deliver it personally. I say thanks and take it. I notice it's adressed to my mother... but i don't rlly care, I wana see what was so important that it was to be "delivered in person". SO I open it... God that scared me shitless and made me happy at the same time. It was zelda - for the Wii. the thing is... I don't have a Wii... or should i say, I don't have a Wii yet. At this point I'm well aware that my mother's huge christmas surprise that she has apparently been planing for weeks, if not months (they sold out fast so she must have preordered a long time ago) is now totally ruined. I freak out thinking "SHIT IF SHE FINDS OUT I OPENED IT SHE'S GONNA BE SO PISSED THAT THE WHOLE SURPRISE IS RUINED". So i grabbed some duck-tape... wrapped it all back up with a reasonable degree of realism... and stuck it in the mail box. /whistle and walk away and that's how Krotas got his Wii.... or rather, how he knew he would ^^
  16. LOL! that rocked btw: * HoTs, DoTs, and channeled spells have been re balanced to receive a more appropriate (higher) percentage of +spell damage and +healing. buff locks more plz? i dont think we can one shot tier 3 MT's yet?
  17. Krotas

    Oh My Lord...

    stop posting dammit im not done yet @_@
  18. It was gynis, we all know it.
  19. Krotas


    nope... VIVE LES FRANCE!
  20. Krotas

    Oh My Lord...

    I just logged in i look up to the top of the browser i see something that shall haunt me for the next 10 years "534 new posts" i'l b here for the next few months, see yah when im done @_@
  21. Krotas

    Go Vote!

    vote NDP? whoops, wrong country
  22. Krotas

    Go Vote!

    um... i dont think we have elections up here for... uhh... a couple more years? what do i do till then?
  23. ur only getting that now? dude, ur so fired.
  24. fyi I was the hot one.
  25. Owned. one time in UCA we were spamming guild chat like never before seen (just goofing off, i dont remember over what now) and a totally random dude whos name began with "GM<rest>" came into our guild chat and told us to shut up... that was wierd
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