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Everything posted by Ezmira

  1. Ezmira's - http://www.myspace.com/crazyfx420 Memphis's - http://www.myspace.com/G3org1 (Last name is Larson if authorization is needed to add as a friend.)
  2. That can be arranged.... ~Puts on his feathered cleaning lady pimp hat~
  3. my elixir mastry procs pretty well. i had a 4 proc the other day when making agi's for allan. the quest for it sucks, but i got all my quest items in only 2 black morass runs. =)
  4. LOL @ Bob. We're watching so much stuff at any given moment it's not even funny. lol. Bored, to some, but being a holy priest is not easy.
  5. hehe, thanks dragon. Yeah it's a long video, it's a long fight. i could cut a bunch out and skip alot, sure. but we killed her last night, i got the vid up today, so needless to say i didn't spend a whole lot of time editing and tweaking. IF we want a cleaner version, etc I'd be more than happy to put in effort to make it shorter and better. =)
  6. Hi all. A couple of things.. 1) I'm no editing wiz, so don't expect much from the editing. 2) The music selection was picked by me and my wife for comedic relief. So you'll either like it and laugh, or hate it. sorry if you don't like it. 3) It's a holy priest POV, so I hope you can see whatever it is your looking for the video. I did edit a few parts out for slowdown, or to speed up this long fight. Thanks much, and here it is. http://files.filefront.com/fpvsvashj+0001w...;/fileinfo.html
  7. Yes. it was recorded. by me and 1 other i believe. I am uploading the video to file front now, and will link it in the video's section. mind you i am not a video editing wizard so don't expect anything astounding. But it works, and it's from a holy priest POV.
  8. Here are a few pics of Ezmira (Tim), Memphis (Geo), and likely our son Demetrius and Puz from our wedding. Puz is the little italian thug. I'm the casper looking bean pole in the foreground lol This is me and my wife Geo (Memphis in game) at a birthday for me, like...2 years ago i think. I don't change much. lol And last but certainly not least...Demetrius. Don't mind the crappy cell phone image, oh and the nuclear explosion this in the office/demetrius's hellhole...er i mean play room. lol. I swear. we clean, and 5 minutes later, it looks exactly like it did before we cleaned.
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