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Everything posted by Ezmira

  1. zomg happy birthday homie!!
  2. Happy Birthday Kev!! =D
  3. Happy birthday dude!!!! =D
  4. Happy Birthday!!
  5. Happy birthday dude!!
  6. Grats dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Zomg, happy birthday!!!! and whether you like it or not... /hugs i'm bigger than you, deal with it. lolol
  8. so is your....Happy Birthday!! Have a great day dude!
  9. ZOMG. Happy birthday dude!
  10. Oh man, happy birthday!!!! =D
  12. Happy Birthday dude!!!
  13. I took a look back through the posts, and I didn't see anywhere where someone said this Matt. =/ So if you are yelling at me, you are misguided. I personally believe that gay people should have the same legal rights in america at this point as straight people. I may not morally agree with it, but that's my upbringing and religion. Doesn't mean you shouldn't get the tax breaks and respect from the community. You are my friend, family, and in essence a brother. You should have the same rights as everyone else. I beleive it will happen. All within due process. Does ignorance suck? yes. Will things change? yes, i believe they will. So please don't be yelling at me, I am just trying to point out at the american system needs to work, cause if you tamper with it things go very bad. That's all.
  14. Basically, whether it's a vote on gay marriage, death penalty, raising your taxes for a new bike trail, whatever, it comes down to a vote by the people. If you as government, hear that voice and go against it anyway, then you: A) Destroy the very fabric of our founder fathers ideas for this country and how we decide major issues in our states and country B) Should be prepare for the reprocussions and said (possible violent) revolt that is sure to follow. I have some diferrent view points from most people here, being that i am know as the "FP republican" (BTW, I would prefer "The FP Conservative", my party isn't representing me fully these days.) But I do believe in the american system, and if we start to stray from that/straight up ignore it, then this country as a whole is failing, and this is something I do not want to see happen....EVER. If people Ban gay marriage, thats will of the people, if they overturn that decision in 2 years because they were informed and have changed their minds, that is the will of the people to. Whether you agree or disagree, this is the process, and when you start thinking you can just bypass the process, you tread dangerous waters of changing the entire government structure. I for one do not want socialism or communism. Please don't advocate those path's. Neither of them work.
  15. Ezmira

    Who Voted?!

    Memphis and I will be going after i get done with work tonight
  16. FIXT!
  17. Ezmira


    Happy Birthday Dude!
  18. Ezmira

    Windows 7!

    the multi-touch display feature is sick. there is a video on neowin.net of them playing "air hockey" with it. =) the task bar quick lists/jump menu feature is ftmfw imo
  19. FPFTMFW ... Really, was there ever another choice? (To make gynis feel better you should get an FPHQ sign for the apartment. it's better suited there.)
  20. That wouldn't happen if people showed up on time, and well, then there is the fact that group composition matters still. ~shrug~
  21. And BT will be Saturday. Likely 7pm Invites.That seems to be the norm now.
  22. the thing mentioned about reagan and bush terms is the fact that policies put into play are not immediate, and the effects seen in those times were caused by the previous policies and laws put into place. So if you really want to blame someone for the economic issues seen "during" those times blame carter. Things did start to get better in the late 80's when reagans reforms started to take effect.
  23. national healthcare is BS, and would just be another welfare, AKA a huge effing failure. We should not have done the bailout. this is a Capitalist country and we should have let capitalism work as it would have. Instead we just gave the same people that got us into this mess 800b, with no stipulations for them to hand out as they see fit....what a waste.
  24. Ezmira

    Mr Gryph!!!

    Happy Birthday duder!!! =D
  25. awwwww shiz.....happy birthday home slice!!
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