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Everything posted by Ezmira

  1. ZOMG, happy birthday dude!!!!!! =D
  2. Ezmira

    Eni! <3

    Happy birthday eni!! <3 =D
  3. the touch thing happens. those pads on the wall can be very quirky. I've come in 2nd before back in high school when i was on the swim team because the pad didn't register my touch the first time and i had to hit it again. There is nothing a judge can do about it really either. so GG to him on that. He's an amazing athlete.
  4. Ezmira

    Miss Klaudia!

    happy birthday girlie!!
  5. This is all that popped into my head. so enjoy. lawlawlawl
  6. Worldofraids.com quote: * Olympic Tabard: You just have to finish any battleground (you must stay for the full duration of the battleground), win or loss does not matter. You will then get a mail with the tabard. * Dragon Pet: Obtained from winning a battleground. Everytime you win a battleground, you have a chance this pet is mailed to you. (Tip: Running Warsong Gluch with a team is probably the fastest way to get a Gold Medal). * There is a NPC for the Summer Olympics event that has an option to enter a code, no details on it yet.
  7. Ezmira

    Yo dawg

    Have you tried the hotpocket hotpocket? It's a hotpocket filled with a hotpocket. Tastes just like a hotpocket. HOTPOCKETS!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zewDAa99Ns8
  8. Ezmira


    Happy birthday dude! Don't let me see pics of you drunk and passed out underneath a moose or anything...seriously...i know it'll happen, i just don't wanna see the pics. lawlawlawl.
  9. lawlpatlawl <3 you guys. Safe drive is safe i assume?
  10. http://www.crazyfx.com/fpparty/fpparty%20032.jpg http://www.crazyfx.com/fpparty/fpparty%20033.jpg http://www.crazyfx.com/fpparty/fpparty%20035.jpg http://www.crazyfx.com/fpparty/fpparty%20038.jpg
  11. http://www.crazyfx.com/fpparty/fpparty%20049.jpg http://www.crazyfx.com/fpparty/fpparty%20050.jpg http://www.crazyfx.com/fpparty/fpparty%20051.jpg
  12. http://www.crazyfx.com/fpparty/fpparty%20044.jpg http://www.crazyfx.com/fpparty/fpparty%20045.jpg http://www.crazyfx.com/fpparty/fpparty%20046.jpg http://www.crazyfx.com/fpparty/fpparty%20047.jpg http://www.crazyfx.com/fpparty/fpparty%20048.jpg
  13. http://www.crazyfx.com/fpparty/fpparty%20039.jpg http://www.crazyfx.com/fpparty/fpparty%20040.jpg http://www.crazyfx.com/fpparty/fpparty%20041.jpg http://www.crazyfx.com/fpparty/fpparty%20042.jpg http://www.crazyfx.com/fpparty/fpparty%20043.jpg
  14. http://www.crazyfx.com/fpparty/fpparty%20027.jpg http://www.crazyfx.com/fpparty/fpparty%20028.jpg http://www.crazyfx.com/fpparty/fpparty%20029.jpg http://www.crazyfx.com/fpparty/fpparty%20030.jpg http://www.crazyfx.com/fpparty/fpparty%20031.jpg
  15. iiiiiiiiit's ezmira's cell phone picture time!!! Some are awesome, some are a bit blurry and i apologize. They are also completely un-edited/cropped/resized....i'll do that later lol. just wanted to get them up. So here we go. i'm just gonna put pics here now, and i'll edit and add comments/names and what not later. <3 you guys and gals! Thanks for an amazing weekend!! http://www.crazyfx.com/fpparty/fpparty%20022.jpg http://www.crazyfx.com/fpparty/fpparty%20023.jpg http://www.crazyfx.com/fpparty/fpparty%20024.jpg http://www.crazyfx.com/fpparty/fpparty%20026.jpg I also have 2 video's....they are very blurry. one is the shadow dance, which you all have seen in MUCH better quality, and the other is Q and Kevin wrestling. lolol. I'll link them later if we want to see them. they are unedited right now and in mp4 format. more posts of pics coming
  16. Ezmira

    FP Survivor!

    At least I know if I send ryee out hunting, the food could come back cooked already from flame sack, where if i send the rogues out, it could come back possibly poisoned.... I vote Shiki. (Not sure how this voting two people off thing goes, but if we were supposed to vote for 2 people, i vote shiki and ghostie....poisoned food = do not want.)
  17. Ezmira

    FP Survivor!

    With Ghostie lost somewhere on the island, it seems I could turn the tide with a vote this week... I'm sorry shiki, but i choose you. (Throws a poke'ball) /vote shiki
  18. Ezmira

    FP Survivor!

    tica. it's too easy this time. Go find pedobear, he misses his body pillow. know your role.
  19. Ezmira

    FP Survivor!

    /vote finn. later dude.
  20. Ezmira

    FP Survivor!

    i vote for coeus...his face must go.
  21. Ezmira

    FP Survivor!

    Lemon...you have the name, but i have yet to receive any lemons on this god forsaken island. i blame you....holding out on us, or your name is a fake.... /vote lemon
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