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Everything posted by Ezmira

  1. Ezmira


    happy birthday dude!
  2. Zomg happy birthday you guys! Go out, get hammered and have fun! =D
  3. ZOMG! Happy birthday dude!!!!!! <3
  4. Happy birthday dude!! =)
  5. Happy Birthday to you all! Have fun. =)
  6. Happy Birthday! For Heliacon's beaver!!!!
  7. Ezmira

    Left 4 Dead

    Ezmira (made a new steam account, my old one didn't like me) i added u plump, and shiki
  8. Ezmira

    Left 4 Dead

    PC. get on steam, and blow up zombies with us! =P
  9. don't need an image to realize thats where this $ is going in the end....and what it stanks of. =P
  10. Happy Birthday Prumpy!!
  11. Ezmira


    Happy Birthday dude!!
  12. i said this before, and i'll say it again. ZOMFG. WTB, right NOW! i WILL buy a PS3 and a new HDTV for this game. I shit you not.
  13. Ezmira

    windows 7 beta

    i'm getting the same thing =/
  14. lmfao, yes. Memphis left the video uploading last night, and it is there now. I am sure she will be editing her post with a direct link to it. LMAO. Black man is amazing as always. That is all.
  15. Ezmira


    i'll go ryee. =)
  16. zomg happy birthday meko!!!!
  17. oh man! Happy Birthday!!! Someone down there in the A T L take this man to Varsity!! lololol
  18. Capitalism didn't fail. It wasn't allowed to run it's course. All of this stuff would have corrected itself had we just let them fail, file bankruptcy or buy each other other up. Let capitalism work. There would have been some some hard economic times, sure, but aren't we still having that? Now my taxes gotta go up to pay for a plan that didn't and won't work, just to give the people that caused the problems in the first place control of almost a trillion dollars. G effing G.
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