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Everything posted by Klaudia

  1. Klaudia


    omg konoha person? eric?? i know eric. omg, i dunno who it is but im praying its steven <3333
  2. /pat there there.. things will be ok. uhh, that's /soothe, noob! <3 i KNOW plz i was using both ok.
  3. /pat there there.. things will be ok.
  4. O.o /hug klakla guh i'm a lot taller than that
  5. myspace noooobbbbb i'm using your post to post my myspace, add me !! http://www.myspace.com/ma_jolie and i'm not blonde by the way.. at all.. edit:: if you add me plz tell me who you are first. cause i do not know. and im a picky myspace..adder.. person..
  6. Klaudia

    Defy gravity!

    holy hell! thats nuts and i cant figure it out
  7. haha yeah i forgot to mention that, i could totally make them for people! yay! i'll think it over =p
  8. Yeah.. so because I'm totally an awesome famous graphic designer and all that I decided it was due time to tell the world... how.. uhm.. yeah, I thought this was a silly idea. I made this shizzle myself. And for the nerds who are interested in its creation I used stenciling, [although I'd really like to get into silk screening at some point] Photoshop, and a wee bit of sneaky research to find the original WoW text font for it. And a yellow t-shirt. I didn't make the t-shirt. Plz don't hurt meh. http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y113/x_marksthespot/bd065bc0.jpg FPFTMFW! Actually I'm thinking of adding that somewhere later on.
  9. bahhhhhh underoath /gag listen to some IRON MAIDEN mannn
  10. o_0 i dunno how people can manage to die.. i mean it takes like 3 seconds to go downstairs and get a snack or something.. i can't imagine what they'd be doing in game that would take a couple days straight to do o_0
  11. Klaudia

    Lunar Festival

    intruiging... omen looks pretty neat..
  12. Klaudia


    more like klaudia has a rl ex-boyfriend whom she does not wish to communicate with =p
  13. Yep, I'm going to go ahead and agree with previous posters that that's not exactly the right attitude to have. Although we are indeed running raids significantly faster now, telling us "I didn't feel like spending a long time doing raids before, but now that you guys spent the time and improved and can do it faster I'm in" isn't quite fair. I know being in a raid for 4+ hours gets a bit tedious, but the reason why we are doing it faster now is because we spent the time to get better at it. Hehe just my opinion =] But getting to the question, we usually start raids around 8 and end around 12ish? depending on who it is we are killing, and the actual time we began.
  14. I just wanted to say AMAZING job to everyone who helped down Rag today, that was incredible! He was down in like 5 minutes =p I'm really, really impressed by everyone and how well we work together. I am so happy to be in FP! *gets teary eyed* I love you all.... *sniff* so, so much... XD And of course, congrats to everyone who got the lootzors! =p
  15. Klaudia

    World PvP

    I've always found world pvp to be semi-annoying, mainly because I [obviously heh] hate when a group of horde ganks me when I'm trying to quest, and it gets a little boring chasing every single horde you see around for a few hours. Of course, that's just the instance in places like WPL and EPL. Personally, I think raiding on places like horde specific towns and even major cities would be a lot more fun and exciting. There's nothing like infiltrating a horde town and ganking the hell out of them all =p What I'd really enjoy doing is if we organized something between a couple guilds and raided UC or Orgrimmar, since we all know we'd freak out if we saw a hundred or more horde heading straight into IF XD
  16. Klaudia


    zomg, you got that right /drool
  17. Klaudia


    we're TOTALLY starting a band. and sure, it can be an emo band =p it would be cooler if it were a hardcore band hahaha okay, and we can write songs about killin horde.. in malicious ways.. we'll be a nerd hxc band =/
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