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Everything posted by Esteban

  1. interesting... kinda makes me regret I escaped escapism.
  2. the intellect buff is nice for a pvp mage. I used to run out of mana so quickly in the arena. then again I was pretty poorly geared
  3. hello G. I am too lazy to open msn just to say hi to you.
  4. Frost... what did I tell you about posting here... *sigh*
  5. Esteban

    Epic thread

    that is pretty kind of him.
  6. google doesn't do me god I hope not... *looks behind him*
  7. Esteban


    haha. even sadder still: Canadians watch this crap cuz the news up here are soooooooo boring.
  9. Down Krotas! down! *pushes Krotas back with a chair*
  10. I got a K in my pocket right now. I might fly down to torment you all if I get my passport . XD
  11. lol 1 day late, awesome XD!
  12. *points at Stangmeister's pants* that-a-way!
  13. Esteban


    awsome will! I'll be gettin windows live so I can smash your face in
  14. they removed witty altogether!
  15. but I want free epic lewts! i mean ... this guild is like clobbering bosses left and right since I left!
  16. Esteban


    haha yes, you need Vista to play. That is capitalism blowing up on the gamer's face. XD
  17. Esteban


    who has this awsome game?! Klaud's got it and I am getting it for birthday present. Cuz I have windows vista, I will soon subscribe to windows live so I can smash X-box360 players with my compy. Shadowrun magic + guns + Brazil = ridiculously awesome! I'll post a review on the RL forums when I get a chance to play it throughly. (the demo is fun)
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