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Everything posted by Beornwarrior

  1. Yeah i stopped doing the FP loot thread once the FPP site was up but a couple people requested this on vent last night so ill bring it back for now. I guess it provides a place to comment about the run and a quick right after the run look at what dropped.
  2. We had the first snowball interruption a couple of months ago. I cant remember who hit who but i know there much laughing at the pallies and much crieing by the paladins. Paladins FTMFL
  3. I did forget the GS boots but i thought i put the bracers up...anyways fixed. Ill be keeping better track now that this is requested again.
  4. The loot thread has returned... Arcanist Gloves - Kobah Cenarion Bracers - Arafelz Cenarion Bracers - Klaudius Choker of Enlightenment - Stricnyne Ring of Spell Power - Tutubi Felheart Pants - Readyakira Legplates of Might - Stormhelm Gianstalker Boots - Reinhard Gloves of Prophecy - Bramas Magna Igniting Cord - Kobah Nightslayer Cover - Adobo Felheart Belt - Mekock Felheart Bracers - Readyakira Felheart Shoulder Pads - Kait Felheart Slippers - Kait Drillborer Disk - Ratava Fire Runed Grimoire - Hykos Crimson Shocker - Paigow Shadowstrike - Teahnprime Cenarion Vestments - Gynis Felheart Robes - *Dusted* Gianstalker Bracers - Miz Blastershot Launcher - Shikimaru Felheart Belt - *Bank* Eye of Divinity - Stangmeister Finkles Lava Dredger - Enigami Core Forged Greaves - Frighten Belt of Prophecy - Ladyakira Nightslayer Belt - Miroku Arcanist Belt - Metatron Gianstalker Belt - Kibai Core Armor Kit - Arafelz Force Reactive Disk - Ecthelion Helm of Wrath - Ratava Nemesis Skullcap - Mekock Deathbringer - Joesf Sapphiron Drape - Esteban Head of Onyxia - Vanin
  5. Sad to see you go Hoth you did a very good job tanking GL in your adventures across IRL
  6. Thanks for posting the strat bentley but we've actually already downed Razorgore But so yeah thats basically the strat we use on Razorgore.
  7. Very impressive Stric. Cant wait to see the MC footage zomg bbq ur face. On a side note i think Hvilelos got the most screen time in which all he did was eat dirt.
  8. Grats Miz! You've been working on this quest pretty much every second you;ve been online since you got the leaf. Definitely want to see some pictures of the staff/bow combo
  9. Dont make me post a full res of my comp
  10. Dang i want to be a GM. Get every piece of gear i want right away run around and kill stuff with lasers and watch thunderaan vs ragnaros. Oh wait id have to respond to people whining about how much they hate wow and blizzard so much (yet they never quit).
  11. No worries...we got it done
  12. So last night in my rush to get exalted I had quite an enjoyable game. We sent 3 people (1 warlock) to go undetected to the hordes base. Once there the lock summoned about 20 people inside their base while the other 20 defended Stonehearth. Once the relief hut was taken we had another 15 run into their base die and then rez at the hut. We left 5 back to annoy the horde and prevent rogue ninjaing of our spawn points. Unfortunately the horde found out that we were in the their base (probably unsure of how) and we had quite a fight. After clearing alot of the npcs we realized we needed to take the towers. We took the west tower but didnt take the east tower. The horde always being coordinated finally launched a succesful 35 man charge on our graveyard and there wasnt much to be done. I didnt stay much longer but we were fighting at stonehearth when i left. Overall though it was a ton of fun having 20 people show up out of nowhere in their base and get so close to ending the game without doing anything past stonehearth.
  13. Siegeman is already revered although I imagine it would take quite a bit to get to exhalted. Not sure how many people can make it on our server but I know Haniel can. Im sure he would be happy to make it if we ever got enough ignots together
  14. Out of all the Blizzcon movies the genie one is down at the bottom of my list. It is kind of funny but the Zinwrath one was about infinity times better.
  15. Yeah thanks for the cutdown noob. /target Hvilelos /trip Hvilelos /lol Hvilelos /dance Hvilelos
  16. Kind of following suit to the Thunderfury post ill throw this up as well. Who knows maybe we will get our first eye on Friday Sulfuron hammer is a craftable item. After reaching exalted with the Thorium brotherhood (blacksmith) you are given a quest to receive the recipe. You need a quest drop from Ragnaros and 1x Sulfuron Ignot. Sulfuron Hammer 8x Sulfuron Ignot 20x Dark Iron Bar 50x Arcanite Bar 25x Essence of Fire 10x Blood of the Mountain 10x Lava Core 10x Firey Core After obtaining the Eye of Sulfuras (3-4% drop from Ragnaros) you combine it with the Sulfuron Hammer to obtain Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros.
  17. It seems like this weapon is linked at least 5 times a day in IF chat and every once in a while in /g so i thought id put together a brief guide on how this weapon is obtained. The quest to obtain Thunderfury starts once someone receives either of the bindings of the windseeker. You are then sent to Silithus where you receive the actual quest for Thunderfury along with information on how to finish the sword. Thunderfury Mats 1x Binding of the Windseeker (left) 1x Binding of the Windseeker (right) 10x Elementium Bar 1x Essence of the Firelord The left binding has around a 4% chance to drop from Baron and the right binding a 4% chance to drop from Garr. Essence of the Firelord is a quest drop from Ragnaros after getting the quest in Silithus. If getting two 4% drops from MC isnt enough for you wait until you see what you need for an elementium bar... For 1 Elementium Bar 1x Elementium Ore (drop) 10x Arcanite Bar (220g) 1x Firey Core (Bank) 3x Elemental Flux (39g) Assuming Firey Cores are provided you're looking at around 2500g in mats. Of course buying arcane crystals and getting free transmutes would certainly help but you are looking at quite a price tag. Smelt Elementium is taught by mind controlling Krixix in BWL (he is just before Ebonroc). Elementium ore drops from the goblins in BWL. Once all the mats are gathered you must go back to Silithus where you must kill Thunderaan (raid boss). Once this is done you are now the owner of Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker.
  18. Definitely very well done. The only two complaints I had were that the black screen transitions between bosses was a lil long and the anime cut in (dragonball i think) was stoopid. The celebration music is from the end of Phantom Menace and made me cringe a little bit but oh well. You can obviously see how much effort he put in to creating this...very awesome. Movie got me pumped to get back into MC so we can continue to get geared up for BWL. I imagine will be downing Nefarion in a couple months
  19. Beornwarrior

    Patch Day

    Today is patch day but not for 1.9 *sigh* Atleast we get Christmas goodness. Interesting about the battlegrounds and losing under 10 minutes maybe alliance will actually try for the first 10 minutes. Patch 1.8.4 Battlegrounds * Battles must now last at least ten minutes after the start of the battle in order for the losing team to receive a Mark of Honor. World * New quests for the Feast of Winter Veil have been added! See your Smokywood Pastures customer service representative in Ironforge and Orgrimmar for more details! * The level of many of last year's Feast of Winter Veil quests have been adjusted so that reputation rewards are available in their full amount for players of all levels able to do them. * Fixed a bug with both versions of the quest "A Smokywood Pastures' Thank You!" that was sending mail out immediately rather than on the intended delay. * In a startling discovery, Mistletoe sold on last year's vendors is now named "Fake Mistletoe". A Smokywood Pastures spokesman was quoted as saying, "Sorry, no refunds." * Some of the Southsea Dock Workers that were working under the boat should now be much more accessible to players. * Andre Firebeard no longer has a chance of dropping a Wastewander Water Pouch. * All OOX Distress Beacons are now multi-drop; everyone in a group should be able to receive one if it drops. * Fixed a bug with Oglethorpe Obnoticus' gossip where he was being much more familiar with strangers than he should have been. General * Various preparations added to the client for Patch 1.9.
  20. Personally id recommend this one but I am a lil bias to chinese gold
  21. see for youself...
  22. Made one or two changes that were incorrect when i put this together. Also doing a /bump since we are giving priority on enchants for the epic pieces in ZG (for those who dont know what they need).
  23. lol awesome pictures ghost especially the last one....I was so excited I forgot to take any I've been farming for this thing off and on for the last 4 months or so and I'm extremely happy to finally have it. Over that time I've done way to many DM runs with different people but I'd like to give a special thanks to Ghost, Panda, Stricnyne, and Valdez who were there for numerous hours over the last 2 months or so. All of FP is FTW but you guys hold a special place
  24. Just want to say awesome job to everyone on yesterdays onyxia attempt. I couldnt believe how fast she dropped in each stage. Ranged dps was on the ball I didnt have time to catch my breath before I had to tank her again. If im not mistaken we might have had like 1 or 2 at most down during stage 3. Fantastic job guys lets keep the ownage up. FPFTMFW
  25. Alright I found this site which basically has all the pictures I put in my original post plus what the class sets look like. Unfortunately its on a low end computer but you get the general idea. It also shows a bunch of new enchants for gloves/cloak. Of note are +2% to threat +15 to fire and a bunch of +frost etc for you casters. http://gamecloud.com/article.php?article_id=2439
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