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Everything posted by Stricnyne

  1. One of the water coolers should actually say "Sicbo Joose" on it
  2. Stricnyne


    this is not so not false
  3. Stricnyne


    i'm going to come to everyones house and take video of you playing so you can see how lame you are going to look.... /picks up guitar hero controller /rock out
  4. Stricnyne

    Oh My Lord...

  5. hah.. taht is awesome.. my favorite color scheme
  6. dude... chris.. that is amazing.. and yes.. i am recruiting mages... why didn't i think of you.. bring doc back to SC and raid w/ me.. it's been way to long since we've shared a guild tag
  7. OMG IT'S BE........... <3 that gal in the pic w/ you !!!
  8. yeah.. that was on Bob and Tom a week or two ago. It is amazing
  9. I'll grow my hair out and rock some fake gold... fergitaboutitahhhh?
  10. este.. you are saying, you have a 7 yr old cousin that looks like mid-20's fat, italian guy?
  11. Nice to have you Trig!
  12. lol... eff you amanda... if I do remember correctly.. I was only smiling cuz you had ur thumb up my..... nvm
  13. Thanks for all the apps and congrats on those who made it. I have picked out the last of the few and we are back to full, hopefully for quite some time but that can always change. If you have any questions feel free to send me a PM or talk to me in game. Thanks again!!
  14. QFT.... and it is 100% official... cameras of all shapes and sizes hate me.. their is not 1 pic of me making a 1/2 normal face... or maybe it's just my face... either which way.. what an amazing weekend. <3 you guys
  16. loool @ soma's sig
  17. screw you all..... and 2:03p CST and i'm waiting for fetch's dumb ass to get out of kindergarden so I can go meet his mommy so he can come play w/ us...\ i'm coming to atlanda... and i'm taking my pants off... just to warn you all now.. if i find any cameras laying around unattended... you will have a pic of my bean bag on there when you get the pics developed.. it's just this thing i do.... ATLANTA OR BUST!!!!
  18. /spit
  19. to bad he totally loves mens asses on his face.. luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuul
  20. hey zed.. if you could do me a favor and never post anything for the rest of ur lyfe that would be great.. kthxbai... /projectile vomit
  21. lol.. i need to post that video i have on my phone of fetch... /looool
  22. The Drill Ohhhhh mahhhnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn... it's The Drill... his song "One More Night" is better but this video pwns hard
  23. mages still are sexy.. love it
  24. Stricnyne


  25. Stricnyne


    go away.. we don't take kindly to strangers
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